Human Trafficking: What to Look For

Patricia Bradley Mystery Question 22 Comments

I’ve started REVENGE, my novella with Andi Hollister and Will Kincade, characters from Justice Delayed. It will deal with Andi’s drug addiction and touch on human trafficking. The book that will follow will deal with the subject in greater depth. The working title for that book (the fourth Memphis Cold Case Novel) is Justice Delivered. While I’m excited to write both, as I …

Reader Friday

Patricia Bradley Book Review 29 Comments

What are you reading this week? After I typed that, I realized I should challenge everyone to read at least one book each week! Lately, that’s what I’ve been able to do. Last week I read Mississippi’s own Stephenia H. McGee’s In His Eyes. Stephenia lives just outside Jackson, Mississippi and her book is set a few miles north in Greenville, during Reconstruction …

What Are You Reading Friday?

Patricia Bradley Book Review 6 Comments

It’s What are you reading Friday and this week I’m reviewing a book I finished earlier this month: Murder Mezzo Forte by Donn Taylor. Here’s the back cover blurb:  He is a reclusive history professor with musical hallucinations, she a headstrong professor of religion. Earlier, they solved a campus murder, but now police say they formed two-thirds of an illicit …

Cystic Fibrosis and Tia’s Troopers

Patricia Bradley #CF Facebook Party 2 Comments

Today I will be joining the Heartwarming authors on Facebook to support Tia’s Troopers and the fight against Cystic Fibrosis. We’ll be giving away prizes and you’ll have the opportunity to buy Janie Crouch’s romantic suspense novel, Survival Instinct (Instinct series book three) for .99. She’s giving 100% of preorder proceeds to help fund CF research. Her daughter has been friends with …

Excuses, Excuses

Patricia Bradley Mystery Question 34 Comments

I’ve always said everyone should own rental property in their lifetime. “Why?” might you ask. For one thing, you’ll have stories to write a blog about, and another, you wouldn’t believe the excuses people come up with when they don’t have the rent. More on the last one later, but first a story. One of the houses we once rented out was …

What Are You Reading?

Patricia Bradley Uncategorized 22 Comments

This is the first of my book review blogs and I wanted to start out with a Southern mystery. Mary Ellis is well-known for her Amish fiction and historical romance. You can learn more about her at her website. I loved the setting of Savannah, Georgia, and Tybee Island, places I’ve always wanted to visit. The fact that everyone there has secrets …