Reader Friday – Ten Seconds ‘Til

Patricia Bradley Reader Friday 21 Comments

A few weeks ago I mentioned I’d read a couple of novellas and would write a review the next week…well, here’s the first one, only a few weeks late. 🙂 The first story is  TEN SECONDS TIL… A New MedAir Series Crime Thriller from Critically-acclaimed Author Braxton DeGarmo A serial-bombing vigilante is on the loose, and when an explosion kills three well-known …

How durable are fingerprints?

Patricia Bradley Mystery Question 25 Comments

The year is 1880. English scientist Sir Francis Galton established that fingerprints are not inherited and that even identical twins had different ridge patterns. Two years later, Galton published a book from his studies, Finger Prints. From this book, a police officer in India established five basic patterns and instructed his forces to start using dactyloscopy — the term used …

Murder Most Fowl

Patricia Bradley Mystery Question 18 Comments

With it being Thanksgiving, I couldn’t resist the title. As we enter the Thanksgiving time, I hope everyone will take time to think about all we have to be thankful for. Even when we are in dire circumstances, we have a God who loves us and walks with us through every situation we find ourselves in. Sometimes the pain is so great, …

Reader Friday — Beyond Justice

Patricia Bradley Reader Friday 18 Comments

Oh, wow! Can you believe it’s almost Thanksgiving! Wasn’t it just Easter a month or so ago? I don’t know how time gets away so quickly! But it does. 🙂 This week I’ve read Beyond Justice by Cara Putman, and boy, it was hard to put down. Here’s the back cover copy: Hayden McCarthy is on track to become the youngest partner …

Reader Friday – Grafted into Deceit

Patricia Bradley Reader Friday 23 Comments

This week I’ve read a couple of novella’s I will review next week, and a great romantic suspense by Sherri Wilson Johnson, Grafted into Deceit. Here’s the back cover copy: Disappearing business funds and a missing dead body have Marina Acres doubting everyone — including the detective whose case can’t be solved without her help. When Marina Acres launches an …

Reader Friday – Winter’s Kiss

Patricia Bradley Reader Friday 38 Comments

I have a confession to make. Earlier this month I was reading a fiction book that had been recommended as a good example of writing. It was an excellent example of writing, but it was also very dark and somewhat graphic with the violence. I could not finish it. After years of reading Christian Fiction, I discovered I couldn’t put such a dark …

The Squirrel

Patricia Bradley Mystery Question 20 Comments

Last week I promised a story about the squirrel in the photo. One day, my husband and I were sitting out in the garage with the doors up, and a cat that had taken residence at our house became very interested in something in the corner. When we investigated we found this: It was a little boy squirrel, and evidently, something had …

Reader Friday–Cover Reveal!

Patricia Bradley Reader Friday 17 Comments

A week ago the art department emailed me that I could reveal my book cover…however, the email somehow got lost in the shuffle. I just found it yesterday, so without further ado. . . I LOVE IT!! What do you think? Here’s the back cover copy: It’s Elvis Week in Memphis, and homicide Detective Rachel Sloan isn’t sure her day could get …