I’m excited to bring a great author to you today. I just finished Nipped in the Bud and can’t wait until the next one comes out February 23rd. But I’m going to let her tell you all about the new series. A NEW LINE OF MYSTERIES FOR YOUR E-READER Susan Sleeman here. Do you have an e-reader or maybe an iPad? …
The Desires of Your Heart
The tagline for my website is Delight yourself in the Lord, and He will give you the desires of your heart. Psalm 37:4 Delight yourself in the Lord…what does that really mean? For me, it means drinking in His word, talking to Him, listening to Him…trusting Him enough to give Him my desires. That’s now, but when I first claimed …
Build My Own Website? Am I crazy?
After 48 hair-pulling hours, I’m finally halfway happy with the look of my redesigned website. I do want to thank Google for making it so easy to find help with their WordPress designs. And I’ve even learned html code. Don’t fall down laughing… I did learn to use a great Windows 07 option: Snipping tool. Before I changed anything in …
Honoring God with my writing
Christmas 2011 — Birth of a New Tradition This is something I wish I could take credit for or even give proper credit to, but it came in an email and wasn’t attributed to anyone. I still thought it was worth passing on. As the holidays approach, the giant Asian factories are kicking into high gear to provide Americans with …