I’ve started REVENGE, my novella with Andi Hollister and Will Kincade, characters from Justice Delayed. It will deal with Andi’s drug addiction and touch on human trafficking. The book that will follow will deal with the subject in greater depth. The working title for that book (the fourth Memphis Cold Case Novel) is Justice Delivered. While I’m excited to write both, as I …
What’s Your Fave Genre?
I drove to Chattanooga this past weekend and while a lot of people don’t like traveling alone, I actually enjoy it. It gives me time to think, pray for those on my lists, and just let my mind wander. And it wandered to the different types of books I’ve been reading. I’m basically a mystery/suspense/romantic suspense reader, but lately, I’ve …
Excuses, Excuses
I’ve always said everyone should own rental property in their lifetime. “Why?” might you ask. For one thing, you’ll have stories to write a blog about, and another, you wouldn’t believe the excuses people come up with when they don’t have the rent. More on the last one later, but first a story. One of the houses we once rented out was …
Research in a Cemetery
This past weekend I went to a cemetery. Not just any old cemetery, but one in the heart of downtown Memphis. Elmwood Cemetery, eighty acres of beautiful old trees, and isn’t that a beautiful old white oak? It’s the oldest active cemetery in Memphis and was the burial place of over 1400 people who died in the Yellow Fever epidemic in …
E-book or Print?
Did you know the Kindle turns ten years old this year? After I read this, I tried to remember when I got my first Kindle and realize I don’t have to wonder–I can check my Amazon account. As an aside, is Amazon smart or what? Pre-Kindle I didn’t have an Amazon account, but I opened one as soon as I …
A Six-Billion Dollar Industry
Last week I mentioned in a comment that I’d been to a training on human trafficking and some of you wanted to know more about what I learned. I thought I’d give a brief overview of what human trafficking is and how it affects us. The following is not for the faint of heart, but it’s something we can no …
And Then the Police Came
It’s been an interesting weekend, ending with me having laryngitis. First of all, I didn’t get the book off on Thursday to my editor. The last read-through involved more revisions that I thought it would take, so Sunday night found me diligently working. I took a break and changed into pj’s and set my alarm so that when I quit …
The End is in Sight!
I can’t believe the end is in sight and by Thursday this book will be headed toward my editor! Right now I’m reading it and making edits. And what’s most amazing of all, I actually like it. Usually by this point I.am.not.fond. of the manuscript! And that’s saying it mildly. 🙂 But I’m kind of hung up on a title. Here’s …
Atlanta And A Kindle Monthly Deal!
EXCITING NEWS! Justice Delayed is Amazon’s Monthly Kindle Deal for $2.99!! And not only at Amazon, but all the other e-book stores. If you haven’t gotten it, now is the time! Offer ends May 31, 2017. Now on to last week. I’m here to tell you, I’ve never seen so many people in one place. RT was OVERWHELMING! I signed over …
RT and Atlanta Bound
Tomorrow I leave for Atlanta to attend the Romantic Times Booklover Convention! Yes, I know, my book isn’t finished and the deadline is loooooommmming. But I signed up to go when I thought I’d have the book turned in. I’m signing books at Revell’s On Thursday at 12:20-1:20, I’m signing books at Revell’s Books! Chocolate! Authors! event, and from 4-5 I’ll be hosting …