I’m so pleased to have Jake Byrne here this week. And, he’s giving away an autographed copy of his book, First and Goal if we have ten commenters! I first learned about him through his mother, Holly Michael when he became the first juvenile diabetic to play pro-football. And now let’s let Jake have center stage. Me: Tell me about yourself, …
A Few Days at ACFW in Dallas
Going to the American Christian Fiction Writers’ Conference last week was the highlight of my summer. It was an opportunity to meet with friends and editors and authors teaching other authors writing techniques. And to hear Bill Myer. That was two of the most inspiring times of the conference. He is an amazing Christian! Flying into Dallas it looked as …
My Journey With Sensa
First, I want to say for the record, I don’t own stock in Sensa nor am I being paid for what I write about the product. But for months now, every time I watch television, I see this commercial with these bikini-clad girls sprinkling white powder over everything they eat, and of course they are model thin–I did say they …