It’s Valentine’s Day, and according to the Greeting Card Association, 25% of all cards sent each year are valentines. But have you ever wondered how Valentine’s Day started? Well, I have. It seems St. Valentine lived back in 270 AD during the reign of Claudius II. Claudius decided to ban his soldiers from getting married. He felt that married men were …
Another Mystery Question
I don’t know if the groundhog saw his shadow where you live, but he didn’t here in North Mississippi! So that means spring is right around the corner…I actually saw buttercups (daffodils) ready to bloom last week. It’s been one of the mildest winters I can remember. Not that we don’t usually have warm days mixed in with the …
Unlucky Robber
Well, January has come and gone. Can you believe it? I can’t. I’d hoped to have more words on my new Cold Case book, but at least I’m getting into the story now! As I write this, I have 17,500 words. Only 72,500 to go. This is my Elvis impersonator tribute artist book. And this is the opening line–a text …
Mystery Question of the Week
I am so excited!!! JUSTICE DELAYED releases next week and I received my box of books Friday!!! (I also think I used up my quota of !! for the month. Maybe the year.) But to open that box and see all those books. It.Is.Surreal. I’m anxious to see how readers like the new Cold Case novels. Here is the back …
Mystery Question of the Week
So…last week our area was reeling with temps in the single digits and GUESS WHAT?? This week it’s 70 degrees and I’ve been writing outside. Gotta love Mississippi. 🙂 Last week’s question and answer: A man was arrested for possession of cocaine. Was it because: He offered a bag to an undercover officer. He took it to the police station and demanded …
Mystery Question
As I write this, remnants of the two-inch snow we had Friday lingers. Snow that completely shut down the northern third of my state of Mississippi. I know, I know…those of you living in the frozen tundra of the true North are laughing about now. But to travel the icy roads around here is to take your life in your …
New Year’s Goals?
It’s the third day of 2017, and I haven’t made New Year’s resolutions because I knew I wouldn’t keep them. I do set goals, like writing something at least five days a week, and reading a hundred books. And for the past few years, I’ve also chosen a word for the coming year to focus on. In the past, I’ve …
Merry Christmas and Happy New Year
Can you believe it’s almost 2017? Can you remember how odd it sounded when we first said 2000?? Or do you remember Y2K? That was the year everything on the computers was supposed to reset to 1900. “Experts” had us expecting the worst. I’m hoping 2017 will be a banner year for everyone, but just remember there will be bumps …
Count Down to Christmas
On this week before Christmas, I thought I’d have a little fun. I found all these warnings on the web…except ONE of them that I made up. Which one is it, Super Sleuths? Batman Costume: Warning: Cape does not enable user to fly Wheelbarrow: Do not use when temperature exceeds 140 Fahrenheit. Minidisc Player: Best when used with MiniDisc recorders and players. …
Celebrate the Reason for the Season
This time of the year can be really hard, and for some of us, Christmas is what we get through. That’s where I was last week. Counting the days until it was over. There was no magic, no little kids around for me to watch as they enjoy the season. Then I went to our Singing Christmas Tree, and the …