Happy Thanksgiving!

Patricia Bradley Mystery Question 16 Comments


Since this is Thanksgiving week, I thought I’d ask my readers to share something they are thankful for that isn’t your normal thing to be thankful for.

Like something making you late and because of it, you miss an accident–that’s happened to me more than once.

Or like a friend who was thankful for a boring boyfriend who kept her from dating an exciting one. If she’d dated the exciting one, she probably would have married him…and missed the man she eventually married who is her soulmate. So, when you give your answer to the Super Sleuth, if you have time and can think of an abnormal 😉 something you’re thankful for, add it to your comment.

Now on to last week’s Mystery Question:

A teenager attempted to steal a woman’s Dodge Caliber hatchback as she was about to drive her 13-year-old son to school. Why didn’t the carjacker get away with it?

  1. The carjacker didn’t see the boot that had been attached to the wheel because the woman had parked in front of her apartment building illegally.
  2. The carjacker didn’t know how to drive a stick shift and spent over five minutes switching on windshield wipers and lights as he tried to figure out how to drive it.
  3. The woman’s husband who happened to be a policeman was sitting in the passenger seat, and he arrested the carjacker.
  4. The carjacker was so nervous he put the car in reverse and gunned the motor, ramming a tree.

And the answer is…#2. Paula, Lisa, and Tracy all guessed right that most kids don’t know how to drive a stick shift!

Now for this week’s Mystery Question:

A man fled from a grocery store with a stolen bottle of Schnapps and a packet of cough sweets and was quickly apprehended. What was his mistake?

  1. He hid in a nearby building that happened to be the local Police Station.
  2. He left his billfold with his photo ID on the counter.
  3. When the shop owner chased him down the street, he tried to carjack an undercover policeman’s car.
  4. He hid in a church and the pastor’s sermon convicted him and he turned himself in.

Okay Super Sleuths, which is the right answer? And I’d really appreciate it if you’d click-to-tweet!

[tweet_box design=”default” float=”none”]Ever been thankful for getting tied up in a traffic jam because it saved you from a wreck? Let me know![/tweet_box] [tweet_box design=”default” float=”none” inject=”#Mysteryquestion”]A stolen bottle of Schnapps–why did the thief get caught?[/tweet_box]


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Comments 16

  1. Lisa

    I’m going with # 4 because I believe he could’ve been convicted by hearing the Word of God. I recently experienced being 2 cars away from a horrific auto accident. The driver had been attempting to pass a truck on the far shoulder of the OPPOSITE side of the interstate. (There is an entrance ramp there & the lanes go from 3 to 2). When he cut back over in front of the truck, he clipped the truck and flipped multiple times and landed on our side of the interstate. I saw the whirlwind of dust & knew a car was flipping (thought it was a tire that had blown out) and we all started driving off the shoulders. I was behind a WRECKER (GODTHING) that immediately started backing up across the interstate. While I was slowing I was calling 911. My first response was to run & offer aid. I am not the least bit squeamish & have a basic knowledge of first aid & have helped at other accident scenes. However, I now have double knee replacements & one leg has a nerve issue (not resulting from knee replacement) so running is out for me! I slowly eased up and the accident victim had been ejected into the lane I had been driving in! I was detained because I was getting a flat fixed for our daughter & she had bent her rim & they had to fix that. The Providence of God!

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  2. Sharon March

    I’m going with #2 because it sounds like something I’d do-leave behind billfold/wallet (hey, I’ve left the grocery store without my groceries already-Lol) not the stealing part though!

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    2. Sharon March

      My abnormal thing to be thankful for would be stuck behind a slow driver (usually when I’m in a hurry) and then to see a police car further down the road and then I’m so thankful the slow driver held me back or I may have gotten a speeding ticket!

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        Patricia Bradley

        Sharon, again, I’ve done the same thing! lol. And there’s nothing quite like looking in your rearview mirror and seeing those blue lights flashing, and then realize they’re not for you. 🙂

  3. Delores Topliff

    I think it’s #2, that he left his billfold & photo I.D. behind. True story–my younger son worked briefly in a grocery deli in Alaska and a man wearing an overcoat stuffed I think 8 pounds of highest priced frozen shrimp, crab, and other delicacies into the coat’s inside and outside pockets. Though busy at the counter, my son saw him, and the man got apprehended as he walked through checkout without buying anything.

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  4. Caryl Kane

    My guess is #1. I’m thankful for my parent’s divorce. Not long after, my Daddy became a Christian. Have a wonderful Thanksgiving! 🙂

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