The Inheritance

Patricia Bradley Mystery Question, Uncategorized 4 Comments

Deadlinwritere is looming, so it’s only the Mystery Question today, but first last week’s Dumb Criminal:

The District Attorney requested all the robbery victims to come to the police station to study a lineup of five people. He placed his suspect at the end of the line. Then he asked each to step forward and say, “Give me all your money… and I need some change in quarters, nickels and dimes.”

Why did the victims pick #5?

  1. After robbing the victims, #5 had taken a selfie with each victim and posted it on Snapchat.
  2. #5 had on a shirt he’d stolen from one of the victims.
  3. When it was his turn,#5 said, “That’s not what I said.”
  4. #5 had left his billfold at one of the victims’ houses.

And the answer is…and the story I got it from:

The District Attorney requested all the robbery victims to come to the police station to study a lineup of five people. He placed his suspect at the end of the line. Then he asked each to step forward and say, “Give me all your money… and I need some change in quarters, nickels and dimes.” The first four did it right. However, when it was the last man’s turn to recite, he broke the case by blurting out, “That isn’t what I said.”

So it’s #3. When it was his turn,#5 said, “That’s not what I said.”

Here’s this week’s Mystery Question:

In 2009, their eccentric and brilliant uncle passed away, leaving a brother and sister the deed to a dusty old garage in his will. When they opened up the garage  and took a good look inside, they found…

  1. A chest full of Confederate money, never circulated–worth to collectors–$200,000. 
  2. A 1937 Bugatti worth millions.
  3. A canvass bag with $800,000–money he had left from a bank robbery.
  4. Twenty bars of gold bullion.

Okay, readers, which is it? Answer next week…


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Comments 4

    1. Post
  1. Jerusha Agen

    I almost hate to ruin my winning streak of correct answers by trying for this one. It’s harder! 🙂 But I’ll give it a go and guess #4. Thanks for the diversion, Patricia!

  2. Post

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