Reader Friday – Looky What Came In the Mail

Patricia Bradley Reader Friday 34 Comments

I think I may marry the UPS guy one day. He really makes my heart beat fast on days like Wednesday when he brought a special package!

Love this cover and can’t wait for it to release June 5! I will be doing a blog post on it later this month, but be sure to sign up for the Goodreads #bookgiveaway!

Now on to the book I read this week–If We Make It Home by Christina Suzann Nelson.

Here’s the back cover copy:

When four college friends graduated from the University of Northwest Oregon, their lives stretched before them, full of promise and vows to stay connected. But life has a way of derailing well-laid plans.

Now they haven’t spoken in twenty-five years. But against all odds, three of them have found themselves back in the same place–at their alma mater, wondering how they got there. When they discover their fourth friend, Hope, has died, Jenna, Ireland, and Vicky decide to embark on a wilderness adventure to honor her memory–and for secret reasons of their own. Jenna wants to show her husband that she’s more than a helpless, overweight, middle-aged empty nester. Ireland wants to get back to the nature she loves and hide from the charges being pressed against her. And Vicky wants to show she cares for something besides her ministry–and put off the disaster waiting at home for as long as possible.

They never bargained for the dangers they face in an unforgiving wilderness. Now they’ll have to work together if they hope to make it home alive. While the three women fight to survive the elements, their toughest battles may be with themselves.

My take on the story:

This is another book that kept me up way past my bedtime. Have you ever looked back on your life and there was a time and place that held all your hopes and dreams? And twenty-five years later your life is not what you thought it would be? If We Make it Home explores that theme through the lives of three women who were college friends.

They graduated from the University of Northwest Oregon, vowing to stay in touch, and we all know how that goes. They return for their twenty-fifth reunion, each carrying baggage and unfulfilled dreams. The three women embark on a wilderness journey, seeking to prove something to themselves. None of them expected the outcome.

If We Make It Home is full of wit and humor and real life. It was a book I could not put down. This is the first book I’ve read by Ms. Nelson, but it won’t be the last.

If We Make It Home wasn’t what I thought it would be when I started reading it. But I really enjoyed it. How about you? Have you ever picked up a book and started reading and the story was different from what you expected? Did you keep reading?

Leave me a comment and I’ll enter you in a drawing for Justice Betrayed at the end of the month!

[tweet_box design=”default” float=”none”]Have you entered the #Goodreads drawing for Justice Delayed? If not, be sure you do! #giveaway[/tweet_box]

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Comments 34

  1. Jessica

    How exciting, I’d want to marry him too lol!! I have picked up books not expecting what I thought. I think about 95% I still read them

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  2. Delores E. Topliff

    Interesting, I’ll have to pay more attn. to your UPS man, and since I’m from the very Pacific Northwest area you’re describing, you’ve just discussed a book I will love to read. It’s 47 F here right now, 39 at my farm, & I just turned on the heat. A good day to read or write.

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  3. Mary Hart

    Yes, I have started books that weren’t what I thought! Most of the time I finished them –but there were the few that I just couldn’t get into.

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  4. Sandra Orchard

    Yee! I can’t wait to read your newest release!!! Books often don’t turn out to be what I expected when I started them. Often that’s a good thing, especially if it’s a mystery and I expected one bad guy and it turned out to be someone else. 😉

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  5. Lisa Harness

    Yes, I have picked up books and started reading and they were not what I expected. Yes, I continued reading.

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  6. Anne Rightler

    I have been surprised at books I’ve picked up. Some pleasantly others not so much. Thanks for the Goodreads giveaway reminder!

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  7. Suzanne Sellner

    Normally I know exactly what a book is about because I take the recommendations from reviewers like you. I did join a book club in recent years, and I was disappointed by some of the books they chose. A few of the books they chose were not at all interesting to me, and I did choose not to finish some of them. I’m no longer in that book club since it consumed some of my time when I could have been reading what I consider excellent books.

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      Patricia Bradley

      While I often speak at book clubs, I haven’t joined one for that very reason–reading is eclectic and my tastes are not always in sync with others. 🙂 Thanks for dropping by, Suzanne!

  8. Rhonda

    Congratulations Pat!! How awesome!!

    I had a road trip last week for a work seminar and took #3 and 4 in the series to listen to while driving. Enjoyed Gone Without a Trace a lot!! Kept me good company as I was driving to Jackson and back.

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  9. Gloria

    Congratulations, Pat! Lovely cover! I have read books that weren’t what I expected but I am bad about always finishing books even if I am not crazy about them. Maybe a waste of time.

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  10. Edward Arrington

    I come across books like that from time to time. For some reason, most of them have been written by men. Hmm! I’m not sure why that is. I keep reading just to see where the story is going to take me. The majority of the time, it has been a good read even if the direction was unexpected.

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  11. Jackie Smith

    I have not read that book; sounds interesting. I just finished Book 3 in Nicole Deese’s Love in Lenox Series. She keeps me LOL!

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  12. Faith Creech

    Yes, I have definitely started reading books and they have not turned out the way I thought. Sometimes I stop reading them if they are not any good and other times I am delightfully surprised and end up loving the book!

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  13. Sue Parrish

    I used to read only secular fiction (romances and mysteries). However, I got tired of all the sex, cursing and violence. Enough already! Then I discovered Christian fiction. When a friend of mine was dying of lymphoma, I took her books to read. I gave her a mix of secular and Christian fiction. She told me that she didn’t want to read the secular ones any longer. She didn’t want to spend her last days reading stuff like that. She thought of it as putting poison in her mind and spirit. It made an impression on me, and I changed to only Christian fiction. As they say, “garbage in, garbage out”. I finish most Christian books now. I miss my friend every day now. I think of her often. Her one choice had a profound effect on me.

  14. Diane Nickerson

    I have often had a book turn out to be quite different from what I originally thought; sometimes that is good, others not so much. I try to finish a book once I start it, but there have a been a few that I just couldn’t finish. I don’t mind if a book is not what I expected, but I want it to at least be a good, well-written story!

  15. Trixi

    I’ve had books be nothing like I expected before. Some wonderful surprises and some not so wonderful 🙂 I like it when an author includes twists and turns you don’t expect in a book, makes it interesting. I’d hate to read a book where I can predict everything, wouldn’t that be boring? 😉

    I think I love your UPS man too…lol!

  16. Paula Shreckhise

    I am not usually surprised by books I choose. I just like to read. I have only been disappointed about twice in the last year.

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  17. Rosalyn

    I have had quite a few books surprise me recently. I’d love to read this one! 🙂 Sounds like an interesting plotline for a book. Thanks for having another giveaway!

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