Today’s Mystery Question

Patricia Bradley Mystery Question 38 Comments

Another photo from my walk around the block. Taking these photos makes the walk so much more enjoyable! 😉

Finished the edits on my second book, Obession! And it looks like it releases in February next year! I’m really excited about this story…more on it later…

Now onto last week’s Mystery Question. Since I’m having fun with these blotter reports, I try again. Same old same old. Three are true and I made one up. Let’s see if you do as well this week guessing which one I made up.
  1. A would-be thief who broke into a bakery found, for all his troubles, he’d trapped himself in a locked storeroom. A camera caught his desperate attempt to get out for thirty minutes as he stacked boxes, fell, stacked boxes again until he finally escaped only to turn himself in.
  2. A bookkeeper ended up in the hospital for a week’s stay. When he returned to work the police were waiting for him. Turns out the company discovered why he never took a vacation. He was afraid someone would discover his embezzlement.
  3. Two burglars rifling through an apartment were disturbed by police and jumped out of a window with a stash of jewelry. Soon afterward, the police picked up two men acting suspiciously. While in custody one man became ill and needed hospital treatment. X-rays showed up the problem: two rings, a pendant, and a necklace—all swallowed in haste. After swift surgery, the apartment owner identified the items, and the police did the rest.
  4. A 32-year-old man was found hanging upside down from a window after trying to break into a condominium. Caught hanging literally upside down from the window of the condo, he was left with little choice but to admit his crime and take his punishment.

And the answer is…#2. Congrats on everyone who guessed correctly! I really have a hard time believing some of them actually happened. lol

Now onto this week’s Mystery Question. Since I’m having fun with these blotter reports, let’s try again. Same old same old. Three are true and I made one up. Let’s see how you do this week guessing which one I made up.
  1. Two men were found with marijuana in their car in a state where it was not legal. While they were being questioned and the police had possession of their phones, one of the men received a text asking the man to water his weed, please…yep, the police went to his address and found a small plantation.
  2. When a man broke into his neighbor’s apartment by using a bank card, he woke up the owner. In the thief’s haste to get away, the card snapped in half, leaving behind his name and account details. The police found the other half of the card on his kitchen table when they went to the address they obtained from the credit card company.
  3. One thief got more than he bargained for when he reached into the window of a parked car and snatched a tote. The bag belonged to a professional snake catcher who had just captured a venomous snake.
  4. A cocky burglar posted photos on Facebook of places he burglarized. He was smart enough to create a fake account that couldn’t be traced back to him. Unfortunately, he wasn’t smart enough to notice a mirror at one home. A mirror that under intense scrutiny captured him taking the photo that allowed police to identify him.

Okay Super Sleuths, which one did I make up? Leave a comment with your guess and I’ll enter you in a drawing for a book from my library.

Obsession edits. Check. House clean. Check. Blog post finished. Check. Can you figure out which crime on the Mystery Question blog I made up? There might be a free book in it for you! Click To Tweet

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Comments 38

    1. Post
      Patricia Bradley

      I thought so, too, Nicole. 🙂 I honestly don’t see how anyone can look at the heavens and not believe in God! We’ll see next week if it’s #3. Thanks for dropping by.

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      Patricia Bradley

      Hi Delores! I’m glad you think they’re all corkers. lol. And I enjoy ferreting out these sometimes hilarious crimes where the criminal gets his comeuppance! Glad you stopped by.

  1. Perrianne Askew

    I’m guessing #2 is made up because if the card snapped in half, you wouldn’t have enough information.

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  2. Lelia (Lucy) Reynolds

    Love the photo and scripture. I’ll say #2 as it is hard to snap a bank card. It takes a lot of bending back and forth.

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  3. Tim Johnson

    What a dilemma you’ve given us this time, Pat! I’m with Lucy on this one. It’s really hard to break a credit card. That, plus he would have had to make a lot of noise to wake up the owner.

    Pat, I just finished Kelly Irvin’s “Closer than She Knows”. Thanks again for the intro to Kelly’s books. I was blown away by this book. It’s one of the best I’ve read this year. I know I’ve been saying that a lot lately. You authors just keep getting better! Oh, and I’ve put “Obsession” on my watch for queue.

    1. Post
      Patricia Bradley

      Thanks, Tim. Kelly is such a talented author and a great person as well. We have the same literary agent. We’ll see if your logic works with this one, Tim. Thanks for stopping by!

  4. Edward Arrington

    I choose #3. I am guessing there are regulations and procedures that must be followed by professional snake catchers. I can’t imagine a professional leaving a venomous snake in an open car in a tote bag. What if a child saw the bag and was curious about it? It just seems the snake would have to be in some type of container that did not allow easy access. It also seems that container would have to be placed in a secure place to avoid easy access.

    Just an FYI: I was able to share your tweet above today.

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  5. Johnnie Alexander

    I saw a version of #2 while watching TV the other night. I think it was on an old episode of Without a Trace. But I agree with Lucy that bank cards aren’t easily broken so I’m guessing #2, too.

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  6. Alicia Haney

    I think #3 is the made up one. Thank you for doing this, these are a lot of fun and sometimes the true ones sound so crazy.

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  7. Betti

    I must admit #3 rather freaks me out – I don’t do snakes!! Thanks for another set of things that are hard to

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  8. Trixi

    I’d say #3 served the crooks right for stealing, LOL! So I’m going with that one this week 🙂

    I’m with you Patricia, how can someone look up in the sky at the sun, moon or stars and not know there is a God? Nature amazes me in how complex & beautiful it is, it awes me how perfectly God made everything!

    1. Post
      Patricia Bradley

      I love being in nature, always have even as a kid. My dad would take my sister and me out at night and point out all the constellations. Sometimes we stayed out looking at the stars for hours. Thanks for stopping by and we’ll see if it’s #3 next week.

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  9. Shelia Hall

    I think #2 because if it broke in half, you would only get half the name and half the account number

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  10. Monique

    I’m with Edward on this one. Number 3 – venomous snakes wouldn’t be left in a tote in an open vehicle by a professional. Unless they were a professional idiot!! 😛

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  11. MS Barb

    They all sound true! I’ll guess #3, b/c I hope that a snake would be in something sturdier than a tote!

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