Those Crooks…

Patricia Bradley Mystery Question 40 Comments

Well, you can tell July is here. Temps in the 90s and humidity at 100%–that’s Mississippi in the summertime. 🙂 But I’m not complaining…not after the way I talk about winter every year. lol This photo was taken early Sunday morning as I went out after the newspapers–it was the western sky.

Before the Mystery Question, I want to tell you about a new readers’ group called the BOLO Squad! Eight writers, Rachel Dylan, Elizabeth Goddard, Lisa Harris, Nancy Mehl, Carrie Stuart Parks, Susan Sleeman, Natalie Waters…oh, and me, got together and talked about creating a great way for readers to connect with us in one place. We came up with a private Facebook group and named it the BOLO Squad–you know, Be On the Look Out for our books! 🙂

We’ll be sharing all kinds of fun posts, behind the scenes stories, writing life stories, devotionals, you name it! And mostly we just want to connect with our readers! So if you’re so minded, join us. Each of us will have a day to post and mine is Friday morning, but we’ll be dropping in at other times. I’ll be posting thoughts on life, writing, reading, just about anything! So hop over to the BOLO Squad! Click on the “join this group” and you’ll be in!

Now for this week’s Mystery Question. As usual four answers, three of which are true. Can you guess which one I made up?
  1. A woman tried to rob a grocery store with a can of “gas” spray as her weapon of choice. Luckily, the shop assistant realized it was just deodorant.
  2. A man thought he could wear a school uniform — a navy blue miniskirt, white blouse, and shoulder-length brown wig to commit his crimes. He was spotted purse-snatching from a number of women. Unfortunately for the 24-year-old, schoolgirls don’t sport a five o’clock shadow and was arrested at a subway train station.
  3. A man was arrested on drug charges even though police weren’t looking for drugs when they knocked on his door. The police had received a tip that two fugitives were hiding at that address, and since the man knew nothing about that, he gave them permission to search the house. But he added the restriction “everywhere but the garage.” The police naturally decided that this comment was worth a search warrant, and later found the remains of a suspected meth lab.
  4. A woman broke into a house and stole among other things, an unusual brooch. Unfortunately, she put it and a few more items up for sale on eBay and the owner recognized the broach and called police.

And the answer is…#4! Congrats to all who guessed correctly!

And now for this week’s Mystery Questions. Four Questions, three true, one I made up. Can you guess which one?
  1. Two men broke into a Walmart truck and stole twenty cases of toilet paper. When they set up a roadside stand to sell their stolen wares, an alert customer noticed a Walmart label on the boxes in the back of their truck and turned the two into the police.
  2. Using a wheelchair to escape the scene of a crime doesn’t sound reasonable, but a couple of Texans thought it might be worth a try. A woman robbed a jewelry store clerk at knife-point while her accomplice waited outside with the get-away car, er wheelchair. Unfortunately for the couple, the woman was tackled by a customer before they could make their slow getaway.
  3. A policeman approached a driver at a stoplight after observing him driving down the street backward. When the officer questioned the obviously drunk driver, he mumbled that his transmission was shot and would only go into reverse. Unfortunately, he had been arrested twelve times for drunk driving–this made thirteen.
  4. A smart shoplifter had managed to remove security tags from several pieces of clothing he was stealing but the alarm went off anyway when he walked through the exit door with the removed tags in his pocket.

Okay, Super Sleuths. Which story did I make up? Leave your answers in the comments and I’ll enter you in a July drawing for a book from my library.

Random dot Org chose Paula Shreckhise as June’s winner!

Can you beat me in my Mystery Question quiz? Four Stories. Three True. Which one is false? Check it out: Click To Tweet


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Comments 40

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  1. Monique

    Going with number four as well… As for number three – when he was younger and living in Australia, my uncle had a red van that would only reverse! I believe he drove it around for 6 months before finding a new vehicle! Not sure if he ever got in trouble, but to say he’s good at reversing would be an understatement!! Beautiful picture, and the perfect verse!

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  2. Delores Topliff

    I think it’s #1. I know it works to drive cars backward when transmission is out and it ALSO lowers the odometer reading (which my cousin did once to vex her mom who was keeping track).

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      Patricia Bradley

      Hi Delores! Always good to see you here. 🙂 And we’ll see next week if that’s the correct answer. I’ve heard of people running a car backward to lower the miles on the odometer.

  3. Tim Johnson

    Pat, there sure are some crazy people out there. Unfortunately, your made up capers blend right in with their stories. I’m thinking that you made up #3. I can’t imagine having that many DUIs and not be in jail after the first few. If not, his state needs a 3 strikes law.

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  4. Paula Shreckhise

    Well, they All sound made up to me! Haha!
    I’m going with #1 is made up, just because of the recent shortage.

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  5. Edward Arrington

    Hey Pat. I’m slow getting here today. Great picture and verse. I enjoy the way you match them up so well.

    I’ve got to go with #2 again. If I switch now to another one, that will be the week you make up 2. Sooner or later, I’ll catch up with you. I think #2 has been a good choice for the last several weeks but turns out that there are crooks out there crazy enough to actually do those things. Maybe not this time and this will be the one you made up. I can’t imagine anyone using a wheelchair for a get-away vehicle. My wife has had a wheelchair since having a stroke over 19 years ago. When we travel somewhere that will require a lot of walking, I insist we take it because we can see a lot more with her riding than walking since she tires so quickly. But the chair would not make a good get-away.

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  6. Trixi

    I want to say #3 this week. Like a lot of people said, how can you have that many DUI’s and not be in jail or lose your drivers license? The toilet paper one made me laugh in light of today’s pandmic, I can just see that happening unfortunatly.

    Congrats Paula on your win! Thanks Patricia for the verse, another lovely background to it. I know God is in control of this all 🙂

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