Patricia Bradley Mystery Question 39 Comments

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Now onto this week’s post!

As I write this post, I’m looking out my window at a gorgeous day, filled with sunshine and warm weather. Thank you, Lord! Yesterday afternoon I took one of those non-drowsy allergy tablets and let me tell you the non-drowsy part really works! I think I may have slept thirty minutes last night.

Anyway, I’m really excited about the next two books I’m starting. One is for Love Inspired Suspense and right now will only involve writing three chapters and an outline of the rest of the book. I had planned to write a cozy, but as I worked on it, I realized I wasn’t very excited about it once I got into the story. Weird. I’d wanted to write a cozy for so long…maybe there wasn’t enough suspense in it. lol.

The second book I’m starting is the third book in the Natchez Trace Park Rangers. Working title is Crosshairs. Yeah, I know, that was the working title for the second book. Maybe this time it will stick. I’ll talk a little about the premise for both books in the weeks to come but let’s get to last week’s Mystery Question!

Three of the following stories are true and I made up one. Can you guess which one?
  1. It seems this guy wanted a carton of booze pretty badly. He threw a cinder block at a liquor store window and it bounced back and hit him in the head, knocking him unconscious…yep. It was caught on video.
  2. A man grabbed a woman’s purse and took off. A store clerk dialed 911 and when the police came, the woman gave a good description of the man and he was quickly apprehended. When the police brought him back to the scene of the crime, they told him to stand there for a positive identification to which he replied, “Yes, officer, that’s her. That’s the lady I stole the purse from.”
  3. A man who shoveled snow in a blizzard for an hour to clear a parking spot returned with his vehicle to find a woman had taken the spot. He shot her.
  4. A man siphoned gas from a car and on his way to pour it into his gas tank, he dropped the can, spilling almost all of it. Frustrated, he decided to steal the car instead…yep, you guessed it. He ran out of gas a block away just as the police were putting out an all-points bulletin.

And the answer is…#4. I find it so hard to believe people actually did the other three! Now onto this week’s Mystery Question and a BONUS puzzle!

This week’s Mystery Question is about dumb excuses people gave their insurance companies. Three of the following stories are true and I made up one. Can you guess which one?
  1.  “But Officer, I thought my car would jump the ditch like I see on TV all the time.”
  2. “I don’t know who was to blame for the accident; I wasn’t looking.”
  3. “I’m sorry officer for speeding, but without my glasses I can’t hardly see the speedometer.”
  4. “The car in front hit the pedestrian but he got up so I hit him again.”

Okay Mystery Sleuths, which excuse did I make up? Leave your answer in the comments and I’ll enter you in a drawing for a book from my library. And the first person to figure out the puzzle below and leave their corred answer in the comments will win a $10 Amazon gift card. Here’s the puzzle:

STOOD             TOOK              MINE           STANDING
I                   YOU                  TO                  MY


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Comments 39

  1. Monique

    Wow, they just keep getting harder!! But I’m going with #1 again. Like, how many people would really think their car could jump a ditch?! I personally hope none, but then I keep getting surprised by some people’s stupidity… And the bonus puzzle… are the letters all mixed up too? My quick look couldn’t see how it could be just those words… And wow, that is not a lot of sleep! I hope you get more sleep “tonight”.

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  2. Tim Johnson

    Those are all funny, Pat. I’m going with the crowd today. I think #1 is the most ridiculous, though #4 is pretty close. Sometimes when people are excited they say some really dumb things.

    With that little sleep, I hope you have a safe day at home planned.

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  3. Edward Arrington

    Sorry about those non-drowsy tablets. I’ve never found any of those. They seem to make me drowsy regardless. I agree with Priscilla on the bonus puzzle. I’m still too drowsy to come up with anything different. . I’m choosing the Duke of Hazard as made up (#1).

    1. Edward Arrington

      I meant to say that I can relate to #3, but not because my eyesight is so bad. Depending on the angle of the outside light in the daytime, the dial on the speedometer is washed out.

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  4. Delores Topliff

    I can hardly believe #4 was the answer to last week’s post. That really took the cake! For this week? I think and hope you made up #2. I know I’ve read some of them before. I don’t think I could work in an insurance adjustor’s office–I’d laugh myself silly!

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  5. Trixi

    I’m going with #4 because I think this was one you have done before, lol! Unless my eyes deceive me 😉

    I’ve never had any luck with non-drowsy medication, it still makes me drowsy or at least makes me feel “out of it”. Thankfully I don’t suffer from allergies, but I feel so badly for those who do. Spring time (or warm weather) must be miserable!

    I am so excited to hear you will be writing a book (hopefully more?) for Love Inspired Suspense! Those are my go-to reads…but I sure miss the Historical line. 🙁

    I pray blessings on all your writing endevors!

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      Patricia Bradley

      I’m looking forward to putting together a proposal for LIS, Trixi. I’m thinking a story involving horses and the heroine discovers something that gets her into trouble big time! Thanks for stopping by.

  6. Erika Luther

    I understand you undertake to undermine my undertaking. Is the answer to the word puzzle. I’m going to guess #1. Hope you got some rest. Allergies are not fun!

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      Patricia Bradley

      Actually, Erika, I didn’t really have allergies, I just thought I did because my nose stopped up. lol. I’ve been eating local honey for about 3 years now and that has for the most part taken care of my allergies.

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  7. Shelia Hall

    #1 and my guess for puzzle is:My puzzle guess: I understood you undertook to undermine my understanding.

  8. Alicia Haney

    I think the made up one is #4. and this would be the puzzle answer: I took my standing, you stood to mine.

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  9. Betti

    They are all so humorous it’s hard to pick – I will go with #3 since if the sun shines on the display, I can’t see the speedometer.
    Love the puzzle – good job Priscilla!

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      Patricia Bradley

      I like it, Betti! Thanks for stopping by. And I thought Priscilla did a great job…would you believe I had no clue what it was when my friend showed it to me…not wired that way. lol

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