Really Incompetent Criminals ~ Mystery Question

Patricia Bradley Mystery Question 45 Comments

Really Incompetent Criminals, Psalm 57:11

Really Incompetent Criminals is this week’s Mystery Question. Just when I think criminals can’t get any dumber, I find more. But first this week’s photo and Scripture.

I wish I could say I took this one, but my friend Connie Jennings captured this beautiful pastoral scene! Doesn’t it make you just want to crawl inside it and take off on one of the horses? And I thought the verse went well with it,

And now for last week’s Mystery Question–I Mean Really? As usual, three of these crimes really happened and I made one up. Can you guess which one?
  1. A counterfeiter was really unhappy with the new printer he bought, so he took it back and received a replacement. Unfortunately, the clerk noticed some “work” the customer forgot to remove from the old printer—a few counterfeit bills that cost him his freedom.
  2. One day, a drug addict broke into a garage to steal valuable items to sell for his next fix. But then, he found a freezer full of cold beers and Popsicles. He took out his fake teeth to enjoy a couple of Popsicles after he downed a few beers. Then he forgot to put his teeth back in. This dumb act cost him sixteen months behind bars.
  3. A man broke into a museum to steal a valuable gem. But instead of stealing the actual gem, he stole a replica. Unaware he’d stolen the replica, he attempted to sell the replica but he’s quickly caught by law enforcement.
  4. The man was an honest employee and a hard worker and very polite. So, before he stole over eight million dollars he needed, he left a note with his signature, explaining: “Borrowed, eight million, five hundred thousand dollars. Thank you.”

And the answer is…#3. Congrats to all who guess correctly. Next week I’ll share the link where I found these crimes…after I use a couple more from the site…

And now for this week’s Mystery Question–Really Incompetent Criminals. As usual, three of these crimes really happened and I made one up. Can you guess which one?
  1. A hot-tempered man was involved in an argument with a woman whom he cowardly punched in the face. He also attacked another person who was standing there, which caused him to drop his folder on the ground. He fled. The cops, who arrived at the scene a few minutes later, easily tracked him thanks to what was inside his folder—his anger-management homework.
  2. Then there’s the gunman who broke into a convenience store, tied up the cashier, and fled. But he left behind the money. When he realized his mistake, he went back. Unfortunately for him, by that time the door had automatically locked with the loot just sitting there “staring” at him as the police arrested him.
  3. Apparently, an idiotic thief decided to take his son along when he robbed a pet shop, but he was so busy counting the money that he totally forgot about his son whom he left behind. All police officers had to do after that was ask the child for the name of his idiotic father.
  4. After a chase, a policeman caught a thief and asked why he stole a woman’s watch, and he replied that he didn’t steal it, she gave it to him. When questioned further, he admitted it was after he showed her a gun.
Okay, Super Sleuths, which one did I make up? Leave your answers in the comments, and I’ll enter you in a drawing for a book from my library which may include Counter Attack!
Really Incompetent Criminals is this week's Mystery Question. Leave your answers in the comments and I'll enter you in a drawing for a book from my library which may include Counter Attack! Click To Tweet
AND speaking of COUNTER ATTACK, it releases TODAY!

I am really excited about this series! And I can’t wait to see what readers think of Counter Attack!

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Comments 45

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  1. L. Murphy

    Thankfully I left my cup of coffee in the kitchen before I sat down to read your blog! My computer would not have fared very well if I’d been drinking anything! These are just too funny! I’m going to guess #3, surely a dad wouldn’t take his son…right?

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  2. Barbara Diggs

    Happy Book birthday!!! I will promptly state that Counter Attack is a real page-turner! Congratulations, Pat!

    What a delightful photo and I totally agree with the Scripture! Seeing the horses and the vast land already has me humming the theme song of Big Valley!

    Now for the hard part of deciding the most incompetent criminal! I don’t imagine we can pick 1,2,3, and 4, can we? Going with #2, because of the older word, loot.

    Again congratulations on the birth of Counter Attack! So happy for you!

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  3. Tim Johnson

    Help! My counter is under attack! No, wait… it’s that new book that just dropped out of the cloud. It’s Pat’s “Counter Attack” that I will start reading in 30..29..28 minutes. I can hardly wait.

    That is a beautiful photo, and now Barbara has me humming the “Big Valley” theme song, and picturing the characters in my head. That’s a great verse you chose to go with it, Pat.

    I’m sure glad there are so many nutty criminals out there. I hope part of their punishment is knowing there are a lot of us laughing at them. Can you imagine their court judges trying to keep a straight face when these stories are told?

    OK. I think you made up #4 (again; it was my answer for last week’s, too). Yes, given the other crazy stories, it could be true, but I’m sticking with it.

    I hope you sell a million copies of you new book!

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      Patricia Bradley

      Thank you, Tim! I hope I sell a million books, too! 😉 I loved that photo. Connie has a lot of really pretty photos on her FB page. We’ll see next week if it’s #4…

  4. Gloria A

    I am guessing #1. Congrats on the release of Counter Attack. It is a great read and start to your new series!

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  5. Edward Arrington

    That is indeed a pretty picture. Very calming and peaceful. It certainly displays the glory of the Lord.

    I often agree with Tim but I’m choosing #2 this time. If this is real, the thief was beyond incompetent. Making a getaway and then going right back to retrieve the money he left behind? Incompetent, stupid, and a list of other descriptions come to mind. If he was determined to steal cash, he should have picked a different store while the cops were busy at the first one.

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  6. Alicia Haney

    I am picking #3. I love the photo and I love the Bible passage. Thank you for sharing them. Have a great day and a great week.

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  7. Trixi

    It’s so hard to guess these every week 🙂 I’m going with #4 this week just because.

    Love the horse picture and the scripture. If I could paint, this would be a beautiful one to do. Congrats on the release of “Counter Attack”!! I’ve seen early reviews & they are very positive. I have no doubt this will be a big hit with readers 🙂

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  8. Erika Luther

    The picture is beautiful. What a peaceful looking place. The verse fits it well. These questions just keep getting better and better. I’m going to guess you made up #4. Can’t wait to read Counter Attack.

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