Officer, You Can’t Arrest Me!

Patricia Bradley Mystery Question 30 Comments

Two more days and I should have the edits turned it…if I don’t get another revelation from my heroine. It’s always amazing to me when my character says something out of the blue. Like Emma Winters did this morning. I finally discovered why she feels so guilty about her brother…but you’ll have to wait until the book comes out to find out what it is. 🙂

The photo is one I took this weekend. Those are buds you see, but I really don’t know what kind of tree it is…so if you do, please tell me. 🙂

Now onto last week’s Mystery Question: Four scenarios, three are true. Which one did I make up?
  1. A man was behind on his pickup payments and was about to lose it, but he had insurance. He decided to leave it in a high crime area so it would be stolen. That way he could get the truck paid off and his credit wouldn’t be ruined. Unfortunately, no one took the bait, so he approached a man hanging around the seedy area and tried to get him to steal it. Unfortunately, the man he approached was an undercover cop.
  2. A man had his phone stolen. When he called his own phone number, the burglar answered the phone. He then told the burglar that he was willing to pay to get his phone back and the robber agreed. The burglar was very surprised when the man showed up with the police.
  3. A man called police to report someone was stealing weed from his backyard. Sure enough, the reporting person had massive cannabis plants 6 to 7 feet high and the officers found a man carrying one of the plants he’d chopped down. After the officers arrested the thief, they turned around and arrested the owner.
  4. Conversation between officers and a suspect: “We know it was you. We found your fingerprints on the shotgun.” Suspect: “Impossible. I was wearing gloves.

And the answer is…#1. Congrats on all who guessed correctly. Some of these really amaze me. lol

Now for this week’s Mystery Question: Four stupid reasons crooks gave for why they couldn’t be arrested. Three are true and I made one up. Can you guess which one?
  1. A drug dealer was walking down the street and dropped a bag of cocaine when two officers pulled over to arrest him for possession of cocaine. He acted shocked and asked what they were doing. When they told him and held up the baggie for him to see, he said, “You can’t arrest me! I dropped it before you touched me!”
  2. A man stole a golden Lab, planning to sell it at First Monday, a Trade Day type of venue. Unfortunately for him, every time he came near the Lab, the dog attacked him. After getting seventeen stitches, the man gave up and lured the dog into a crate with food and when he was caught returning the dog to the owner, he claimed he couldn’t be arrested because he was returning the dog, not stealing him.
  3. A man tried to carjack an undercover officer in California and when he arrested the carjacker, he said, “Haha! CUT! Don’t worry, Officer, you don’t have to arrest me, this was all part of the show! You know that new Batman movie? Well, I’m in it. This was all part of it. Now, can you un-arrest me, please?”
  4. A woman was tucking her children in bed when she heard a commotion downstairs. Hurrying downstairs to investigate, she found a man and woman running out the backdoor with a computer and other household goods and her purse. A neighbor kept them from leaving and the police arrived. The couple claimed they’d seen the address of the house listed on Craigslist as a “Free house” which meant that the owners were moving out in a hurry, so anyone was free to just show up and take whatever they wanted.

Okay, Super Sleuths, which one did I make up? Leave your answer in the comments and I’ll enter you in a drawing at the end of the month for a book from my library.

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Comments 30

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  1. Tim Johnson

    I’m sensing a shaggy dog story here. I’m going with #2 this week. I can’t imagine going to the trouble of taking it back to it’s owner, after stealing a dog, then getting bitten big time by it.

    Let’s see, a factitious character is talking to you? One you invented? Hmm. I think it’s time to finish those last edits, and move on. Best to you, Pat, with your writing. I’m looking forward to your new series.

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      Patricia Bradley

      Thanks, Tim! I am at 65% as I type in going through the manuscript one last time. lol. Well, not really the last time…I have at least two more edits to go…and we’ll see if my sleep-deprived state invented the shaggy dog…

      1. Tim Johnson

        Pat, my proof reading of my comment missed the spell check correction. Ever happen to you? Ugh. I meant “fictitious character”, not “factitious character”. Sincerest apologies. Trying to stay out of the shaggy dog house. 🙂

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  2. Edward Arrington

    I believe that tree is a budding tree. 🙂 Good luck on getting your character to stop revealing new things. I guess book characters are like some people – they never know when to shut up.

    I’m choosing 4. The fact they were running out the door belies the story they gave. If their story was true, they would have come to the front door and waited to be invited in.

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      Patricia Bradley

      Thanks, Edward! I just emailed the manuscript to my editors! Now to get ready to drive to Nashville tomorrow and sign books at the Public Library Association conference! We’ll see if it’s #4 next week! Always good to see your logic!

  3. Monique

    I agree with Edward, number 4 seems fishy. Why would you run out the door if you thought you were being helpful. Unless they were in a hurry to get somewhere else…

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