Mystery Questions~Dumb Criminals 2

Patricia Bradley Mystery Question 29 Comments

Mystery Questions~Dumb Criminals 2 Daniel2:21

Mystery Questions~Dumb Criminals 2 is this week’s title. I had a lot of fun finding these really stupid criminals. Coming up with a fake one was very hard. We’ll see how well I did.

Now for the Meme. No matter how the election turns out, God is in charge of this world. And I challenge everyone to PRAY then VOTE!

Now onto last week’s Mystery Questions: As usual, three true stories and one made-up story. Can you guess which one?
  1. Police clocked two men twenty-five miles over the speed limit and pulled them over. Officers found a bag in the back seat with the words Bag Full of Drugs written in large letters. Testing showed it contained four different illegal substances.
  2. An elderly woman received a phone call from her ‘alleged’ granddaughter’s friend asking for bail money for the granddaughter, and the woman played along. She informed the friend she couldn’t leave the house but could give her cash if she picked it up. The friend complied and walked into the trap.
  3. Officers arrested a man for pretending to be a ghost while mourners visited a relative’s grave.
  4. A game warden stopped a pair of men fishing without valid fishing licenses. One of the men didn’t have proper identification and knowing he had outstanding warrants, gave the name of a friend. Unfortunately, the friend had even more outstanding warrants.

And the answer is…#2. Congrats to everyone who answered correctly!

Now for this week’s Mystery Questions~Dumb Criminals 2: Three dumb criminal stories are actually true and one is made up. Can you guess which one?
  1. The self-professed “queen of IRS fraud” paid $30,000 for her one-year-old’s birthday party and bragged on Facebook where the money came from.
  2. A 23-year-old responded to a police FB “Wanted to Arrest” post with this comment: I need to get a new mugshot. The police offered to accommodate him for free. His reply: If only they were as good at finding me as they are with comebacks. They responded by arresting him.
  3. Thinking his parole officer wasn’t on Facebook, a robber documented his cross-country flight with posts like “I’m in Alabama” and a sonogram of his unborn child with a hospital sign in the background. He was arrested and sent back to Oregon.
  4. And of course, we all know about the burglar who used his victim’s computer to check his Facebook page, but how about the woman who tried on her victim’s diamond necklace and posted it on her Facebook page? The victim recognized the necklace and the burglar and called the police.

Okay, Super Sleuths, which one did I make up? Leave your answer in the comments, and I’ll enter you in a drawing for an autographed copy of Justice Betrayed, my 3rd Cold Case book! (It might make a good Christmas gift…) Winner of October’s drawing is…Tim Johnson!

OH! And I almost forgot!! On Monday, I turned in book three of the Natchez Trace Parkway Rangers, Crosshairs! It came in at 94,000 words, and I’m really excited about it. I actually still liked it by the time I’d read it a gazillion times. lol


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Comments 29

  1. Tim Johnson

    BEAUTIFUL photo, and a Scripture to fit the day.

    Pat, you did a fantastic job of hiding your made-up dumb criminal among the real ones. Crooks seem to have egos as wide and deep as the Grand Canyon! I think you made up #4 this time. The thief might as well have taken out an ad. I guess in a way he or she did. Lesson: don’t leave your computer unlocked when you are not using it.

    And, thank you for choosing me for October’s prize.

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      Patricia Bradley

      Thank you, Barbara! It was really hard with COVID–made it harder to write. I wasn’t one of those who got a lot of writing done when everything was shut down. 🙂 We’ll see next week if it’s #1.

  2. Edward Arrington

    Very appropriate Scripture for the day and I love that picture. I voted ten days ago at our registrar’s office. No standing in line for me today.

    Regarding #2 last week, it was very interesting at prayer meeting in church last Wednesday when a young teen reported that her grandmother had gotten a call from someone claiming to be her. The grandmother didn’t think it sounded like her granddaughter at first but then the girl started crying and it was difficult to distinguish the voice. She claimed she spent the night at a friend’s house and was driving that morning, had an accident, and was in jail. She needed $9,800 for bail and gave her a “lawyer’s” name and phone number. The grandmother called the “lawyer” and after several questions and so forth, she hung up. Then the grandmother called her daughter and asked her and her granddaughter to come over. She was quite rattled. The young teenager was upset that someone trying to pull such a scam knew her name. So #2 was rather close to an actual situation here in my area.

    I’m sticking with #3 again this week.

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      Patricia Bradley

      Edward, if these scam artists put half the effort into something legal, they’d probably make more money than they do scamming people. We’ll see next week if it’s #3. 🙂 Thanks so much for stopping by every week!

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  3. Caryl Kane

    Gorgeous photo and perfect scripture for Election Day!

    I’m guessing #1 is made up.

    Have a TERRIFIC Tuesday!

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  4. MS Barb

    #2 (I’m guessing….it’d be nice if ALL of them were false, but, unfortunately… there are some interesting people in this world!)

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  5. Trixi

    #2 sounds sketchy, why would anyone ask to get a new mugshot done? But criminals aren’t the brightest crayon in the box, are they? LOL!

    Congrats on turning in book 3 in the Natchez Trace series!

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