Mystery Questions July 14, 2020

Patricia Bradley Mystery Question 37 Comments

Psalm 68:4

Well, I don’t know about where you are, but our COVID cases are rising daily, so therefore (you know what the therefore is there for, right? To pay attention to what went before.)  🙂 I have started sheltering in again. No more gym. No more in-house church and back to live-streaming. Also, my church helps with a home for women who deal with addiction and I won’t be going there, either.

I miss seeing everyone. But one day we will be back to normal…whatever that is.

I did get my teaser scene written to go in the 2nd book, Obsession. I did mention that last week, right? If not, I will now. My editor asked if I wanted to put a teaser for the 3rd book in Obsession which will release the first of February. I definitely wanted to do that, but since I hadn’t written it and didn’t have a clue how I wanted to open the book, I wasn’t sure I could get it finished by yesterday. But I did. 🙂 Put a star on the refrigerator!

Now onto last week’s Mystery Question! Four Questions, three true, one I made up. Can you guess which one?
  1. Two men broke into a Walmart truck and stole twenty cases of toilet paper. When they set up a roadside stand to sell their stolen wares, an alert customer noticed a Walmart label on the boxes in the back of their truck and turned the two into the police.
  2. Using a wheelchair to escape the scene of a crime doesn’t sound reasonable, but a couple of Texans thought it might be worth a try. A woman robbed a jewelry store clerk at knife-point while her accomplice waited outside with the get-away car, er wheelchair. Unfortunately for the couple, the woman was tackled by a customer before they could make their slow getaway.
  3. A policeman approached a driver at a stoplight after observing him driving down the street backward. When the officer questioned the obviously drunk driver, he mumbled that his transmission was shot and would only go into reverse. Unfortunately, he had been arrested twelve times for drunk driving–this made thirteen.
  4. A smart shoplifter had managed to remove security tags from several pieces of clothing he was stealing but the alarm went off anyway when he walked through the exit door with the removed tags in his pocket.

And the answer is #1. Congrats to everyone who guessed correctly! I can’t believe someone would use a wheelchair to rob a store!

Now for this week’s Mystery Question: As usual four stories, three true, and I made up one. Can you guess which one?
  1.  An armed robber took a man’s watch and money, but after he examined the watch, decided it was a “fake” and handed the watch back to the victim. While his victim quickly reported the mugging to police, the robber stopped to play soccer at a nearby field, where he was still playing when police arrived and arrested him.
  2. On Father’s Day, a kid was playing around with his dad’s old handcuffs (He used to be a security agent), and the dad let his son handcuff him. It was kind of cute until they couldn’t find the key. Then the dad called the local police and they came and uncuffed him. Then…as the police are wont to do, they ran the man through their database and found two outstanding arrest warrants. A few minutes later they were putting the handcuffs on the dad, for real this time.
  3. A savvy grandmother played along when her “grandson” called, saying he needed money or he’d go to jail. After agreeing to send the gift cards once she purchased them, the scammer told her he would call her back in two hours. Instead of buying gift cards, the granny called the police who put a tap on her phone and traced the call to a location in another state, where local police arrested him.
  4. A man was tackled by customers as he attempted to rob a bank shortly after it opened. Several customers had noticed him waiting outside for the bank to open—already wearing a hooded sweatshirt and mask. The man had then meekly waited in line for his turn before snatching money from a teller and running.

Okay, Mystery Sleuths, which one did I make up? Leave your answers in the comments and I’ll enter you in a drawing for a book from my library.

4 #crimestories, 3 are true. Which one did I make up? Leave your answers in the comments and I'll enter you in a drawing for a book! ‎ Click To Tweet

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Comments 37

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  1. Delores Topliff

    You’ve written it well but I’m choosing #3 also. Police have so many incidents to tend to, I doubt they could follow through w/ a phone scam within two hours. Nice try, though, and I love these!

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  2. Tim Johnson

    Beautiful photo and Scripture to match. Thanks for including those with each blog post.

    Pat, I think I’m on to your MO with these cases. You leave out just enough information for each of them to seem false! So, let’s see. A guy with two outstanding arrest warrants is not likely to call the police. Why would a con artist call back hours after the first contact? How do you snatch money from a bank teller unless you can threaten the teller? And, how did police come to recognize a soccer player as the mugger? With all that indirection going on, I’m guessing it’s #1.

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  3. Diana Hardt

    About COVID, the same thing is happening where I am (in southern California). All the businesses that were allowed to reopen had to close up again this week including hair salons, gyms, and churches per the governor’s order. I’m also going with #3. I don’t think the police are going to respond so quickly to something like that. By the way, I have had the grandson scam call happen to me . Of course, I didn’t say anything and just hung up on the guy.

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  4. Edward Arrington

    I like Tim’s logic but I am going with #4. Unless this is a very recent case, I don’t think a crook would hang around outside a bank with a mask on waiting for it to open so he could rob it. That would be a real giveaway any other time but now. I don’t think it’s a current event since the banks around here have only allowed customers inside by appointment in many places. Notice I took a step back from #2 this time. I figured it would give you the opportunity to make up #2 for a change. LOL! Loving your pics and scriptures.

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  5. Trixi

    Our Governer just put in an order to wear masks outside if you can’t maintain a six foot distance from other people and also a limit of 10 people for private events (birthday parties and the like), but not for busninesses or churches. Our numbers here in Oregon are rising too. I live in a small town but with all the tourists coming here for the summer months and many not wearing the required masks, it has put us locals more at risk as well. Though these days, if you don’t wear a mask inside, you can be refused service. It just concerns me because some people don’t want to take the extra precautions to keep everyone around them safe as well as themselves. While I don’t LIKE wearing a mask inside, I do because it’s my duty to keep everyone as safe as possible. Anyway, that’s my take on it. I am just so sick of this whole Covid thing and want my “normal” life back. Isn’t it funny how you really don’t know what you are missing until it’s gone & how much you take for granted everyday things. Human nature unfortunatly, and yes, I’m pointing more at myself!

    As for today’s mystery question, I’d have to guess #4. But as always, any one of these could be true in today’s world! People think they can get away with anything 🙂

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      Patricia Bradley

      Trixi, well said! I wear masks both from myself and for other people. I don’t know why anyone wouldn’t want to be respectful of others. I just don’t get it. And I didn’t know how much I like routine until I didn’t have one. lol We’ll see next week if it’s #4.

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  6. Joni R

    I am going with #1. Hopefully we will not forget the lessons we have learned during these trying times. Thanks for the photo and verse. Very much on target as usual.

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  7. MS Barb

    #2 (I hope all of them are made up…but, then we wouldn’t be able to “guess!” Sometimes I read the scenario, and say, “Really!? WHAT were they thinking!

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      Patricia Bradley

      I say it every week, MS Barb! lol It usually takes me two days to think up one to go with the ‘real’ ones. And we’ll see Tuesday if it is #2. Thanks for stopping by!

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