Mystery Question~Riddles-Take 5

Patricia Bradley Mystery Question 28 Comments

Mystery Question-Riddles, Take 5 Joshua 1:9Mystery Question~Riddles-Take 5 post:  I truly love this photo. Called October Moon Rising, I loved capturing the moon last week. It turned out well, which is surprising since darkness had already fallen. This week’s mystery riddles are a little different and may tax your brains. But that’s a good thing–our brains need a workout!  I hope everyone likes them.

My brain is getting quite a workout lately. Tomorrow I will hit 80,000 words which is good, but I had intended the first draft to end at 80K. Unfortunately, I have about six more scenes to write. But I’m sure it will all work out.


1. A man was shot to death in his car. There are no powder marks on his clothing, indicating that the killer was outside the car. However, all the windows were up and the doors locked, and after a close inspection, the only bullet hole discovered was on the victim’s body.

How was he murdered?

Answer: The car was a convertible.

2. Peter is put in a cell with a dirt floor and only one window. The window is too high for him to reach. The only thing he has in the cell is a shovel. He won’t be able to get any food or water and only has two days to escape or he’ll die. Peter can’t dig a tunnel because it will take him much longer than two days to do it.

How will he escape from the cell?

Answer: There were several good answers to this, but here’s the answer from the site where I found the riddle: Peter shoveled dirt until he reached the window and broke out.

3.  A railroad tycoon is found murdered on a Sunday morning. As a result, his wife calls the police, who question the wife and the servants. The police collect the following alibis: the wife was in bed, the butler was polishing the silverware, the gardener was trimming trees, the maid was getting the mail, and the cook was preparing breakfast. The police arrest the murderer on the spot.

Who did it, and how did the police know?

Answer: Most of you got this right–the maid because there is no Sunday mail.
Now for this week’s Mystery Question~Riddles, Take 5: These are a little different from the others, I but I liked them. I hope you do, too!


1. Mystery Question~Riddles, Take 5: Grandma and Cake

You are on your way to visit your Grandma, who lives at the end of the valley. It’s her anniversary, and you want to give her the cakes you’ve made. Between your house and her house, you have to cross 5 bridges, and as it goes in the land of make-believe, there is a troll under every bridge! Each troll, quite rightly, insists that you pay a troll toll. Before you can cross their bridge, you have to give them half of the cakes you are carrying, but as they are kind trolls, they each give you back a single cake. How many cakes do you have to leave home with to make sure that you arrive at Grandma’s with exactly 2 cakes?

2. Mystery Question~Riddles, Take 5: Christian school

A young boy went to a Christian school. During school, he started goofing around, so the teacher called him out and sent him to the Pastor. Since this was a traditional school the boy would be spanked, but the Pastor believed in giving people a chance. He said, “If you can ask me a question about something you learned and I don’t know the answer on the spot you will go free.” The boy may have been lazy, but he was very witty and asked, “What is it that you can see and I can see, usually every day, but God cannot see.” The Pastor stood there, stumped. He couldn’t figure it out because he strongly believed that God sees and knows all, and that there is only one God. The boy smiled and told him. What was it?

3. Mystery Question~Riddles, Take 5: King has no family

A king has no sons, no daughters, and no queen, and for this reason, he must decide who will take the throne after he dies. To do this he decides that he will give all of the children of the kingdom a single seed. Whichever child has the largest, most beautiful plant will earn the throne; this being a metaphor for the kingdom. At the end of the contest, all of the children came to the palace with their enormous and beautiful plants in hand. After he looks at all of the children’s pots, he finally decides that the little girl with an empty pot will be the next Queen. Why did he choose this little girl over all of the other children with their beautiful plants?
Okay, Super Sleuths, leave your answers in the comments section and I’ll enter you in an October drawing for a book from my Library!

Mystery Question-Riddles, Take 5 Obsession by Patricia BradleyOnly four months until Obsession releases!

Natchez Trace Ranger and historian Emma Winters hoped never to see Sam Ryker again after she broke off her engagement to him. But she’s forced to work alongside Sam who is the Natchez Trace law enforcement district ranger when someone shoots at her at a historical landmark just off the Natchez Trace in the ensuing investigation. To complicate matters, Emma has acquired a delusional secret admirer who is determined to have her as his own. Sam is merely an obstruction, one which must be removed.

Sam knows that he has failed Emma in the past and he doesn’t intend to let her down again. Especially since her life is on the line. As the threads of the investigation cross and tangle with their own personal history, Sam and Emma have a chance to discover the truth, not only about the victim but about what went wrong in their relationship.

Preorder here.

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Comments 28

  1. Delores Topliff

    A convertible? Ouch. Wouldn’t there have also been a bullet hole in car upholstery or something? I’ve spent enuf time on this week’s. #1, they’re taking grandma too many cakes to carry and the trolls are greedy–bad trolls. #2, He cannot see iniquity but I doubt that’s the answer. #3, the little girl planted the seed and it thrived to such immense proportions, it remained a planted tree outside and she could not bring it back.

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  2. Tim Johnson

    Pat, you choose the best pictures and Scriptures to go with them.

    1. Two cakes, and it doesn’t matter how many trolls there are. Each takes half my cakes leaving me with 1. But, since each gives me 1 cake back, I leave with 2. Since Granny is Granny, she’ll split the cakes with me 🙂
    2. We can often see each other’s sins, but God doesn’t see our sins because they are covered by the blood of Jesus.
    3. This is like the emperor’s new clothes. None of the seeds were any good. The girl with the empty pot was the only one who was honest enough to come without a plant.

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      Patricia Bradley

      Hi Tim…I’m glad you think my photos go with the scripture verses. I think I spend more time creating the memes than anything else. 🙂 And love your answers…I’m sure Granny will share. lol We’ll see the answers next week. 😉

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  3. Trixi

    #1. I was never good at math stories, lol! But if I have it correctly, I’d guess you’d have to have two cakes to bring with you.

    #2. I’m guessing it’s confessed sin. God promises He throws those as far as the East is from the West and doesn’t remember them.

    #3. I can only guess that maybe the little girl gave away her plant, so the King decided she would make an excellent queen. She’s compassionate and kind, both qualities that will rule the kingdom well.

    Boy, these ones taxed my brain today… I need a nap 🙂 I didn’t look at other’s answers this week because I wanted to test myself.

    Our skies get dark about 7:30pm and I think that’s just the right time! Pretty soon, it will be dark around 5pm and that’s way too early to my thinking.

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      Patricia Bradley

      Trixi, I’m terrible in math and never did figure #1 out. lol We’ll see about the other answers next week! Thanks for stopping by. And yes, it will soon be getting dark around 5…Daylight Savings time starts November 1. 🙂 And I get my hour of sleep back. lol

  4. Edward Arrington

    Love the picture and verse. You got an excellent shot on that one.

    The answer to the first riddle last week reminds me of a friend years ago. He owned a convertible at one time. He would drive to work with the top down. When he got there, he rolled the windows up, locked the doors, and left the top down. I asked him why roll up the windows and lock the doors. He said it was to keep honest people honest. As we all know, a crook will usually take whatever measures necessary to get what they want.

    My answer to the first riddle is that I would have to leave home with two cakes in order to arrive at Grandma’s with two cakes. If you need proof, I’ll show you my spreadsheet. 🙂

    The only response I can think of for the second riddle is nothing.

    The third one still has me puzzling over it. The only thought that comes to mind is that the little girl’s pot is empty because she gave the plant to someone who really needed it. The king approved of her act of benevolence.

    After typing my response, I looked at the others. I have to admit that I believe they gave a better answer to the second riddle than I did.

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      Patricia Bradley

      Hi Edward! Your book is in the mail 🙂 And that reminds me I didn’t do a drawing for the Mystery Question! Next week. 🙂 Almost everyone has gotten #1 right, no one has gotten #2 right and I think one person has gotten #3 right. These were fun, except for #1–I am terrible in math and never did figure it out. lol. Thanks for stopping by!

      1. Edward Arrington

        Since most have said God can’t see sin, and you say that is not the right answer, maybe there should be a modifier there. God can see sin, but he can’t, or doesn’t, see sins that have been forgiven.

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        Patricia Bradley

        I probably shouldn’t have said that. It’s possible there are two right answers to this question, but sin wasn’t the one on the page where I found the riddle, Edward. 🙂

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  5. Megan

    These were a bit tough so I admit to reading what others said for the first two. #1 They took 2 cakes, #2 I’m not sure what this would be except sin maybe?, #3 the girls tree got so big it couldn’t stay in the pot.

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  6. Barbara Diggs

    1) she left home with 2 cakes
    2) sin. When God see us, it is through Jesus, who has redeemed us from sin.
    3) she planted her seed in the ground, thus growing argue and continual plant or tree

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      Patricia Bradley

      Barbara, I like your answers and I have no idea how the argue got in there. lol But I understood what you meant. We’ll see next week what the answer are! Thanks for stopping by.

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  7. Joan Arning

    I’ll be honest! I had to read the other answers! I could not figure out #1. I’m guessing temptation for #2. #3 I like the idea that the little girl was honest better than my thought that hers outgrew the pot.

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