Last Week’s Answers–Mystery Question

Patricia Bradley Mystery Question 25 Comments

Psalm 95:5


Last Week’s Answers is this week’s Mystery Question. I’m in Flagler Beach, Florida with my family and this is a photo I took on Sunday night. The kiddos loved chasing the waves.

I thought the verse in Psalms was perfect for the photo!

Now for last week’s More Speeding Stories, Like I said, there is something different about these stories (a story behind the stories, if you will), two that you can probably guess, one that you can’t. I know this isn’t much to go on, but y’all are really good detectives…(And the formatting has nothing to do with the mystery…)
  1. Police pulled over a young man and told him he was going too fast. The officer asked if there was a reason to be speeding. The driver responded: “Well, Sir, I have a bad case of allergies and have soaked all my handkerchiefs (as he pointed to several lying on the floor mat). I just want to get home, get some dry handkerchiefs, and take some medicine.” The officer advised him to slow down and drive safely.
  2. A young man was riding with his aunt, who was a probation officer in Washington, DC, and his uncle, who was a U.S. Marshal. The aunt was driving and got stopped for speeding. When the officer asked for her license and registration card, she and her husband both flipped out their badges. The officer let them go. (I just heard that from a chef in St. Louis last week. He worked preparing omelets at the breakfast buffet at the Marriott Grand downtown.)
  3. A gentleman was headed out of town on a business trip and had gone about fifteen miles when he saw a state trooper coming from the opposite direction. Glancing at his speedometer, he realized he was going over the speed limit and slowed down. Too late. The trooper turned and caught him. After asking for the license and registration card, he asked the driver if he was in a hurry. The driver responded: “No, Sir. Well, maybe just a little.” He was on a company vehicle and couldn’t find the registration card in the glove box. When he explained to the officer, he replied, Slow down!” Then the officer sent him on his way. The driver later learned the officer was going through a divorce and probably was in a hurry to get to court.
  4. The one that didn’t get away. A young newly-wed lady was on the way to pick up her new husband from work late one evening. She failed to see a red light and was stopped by an officer. She was driving a sharp-looking Mustang and was quite attractive. The officer swaggered up to the driver’s door and asked in a flirtatious manner to see her license. His demeanor made a 180 turn when he saw her wedding band and realized she was married. He gave her a ticket for failing to stop for a red light.
And the answer is…actually Edward Arrington, one of the regular commenters on the blog took over the blog last week…and here are his answers:

#1 is true. I definitely appreciated the officer showing mercy, as someone mentioned.

#2 is true. The information in parentheses gave the source. The chef was a teenager when this happened. I told him his aunt and uncle were setting a bad example flashing their badges. I agree with the one who said the driver should have accepted responsibility for speeding.

#3 is true. I was the man who got stopped. I had left the office later than I intended. The state trooper met me in a 45-mph zone. He had already been on the force for 15 to 20 years, so he probably had enough experience to recognize when an approaching car was speeding. If he had the radar on, it certainly would have picked up my speed whether he was approaching or coming up from behind. The story did not switch from the business man speeding to the officer speeding. The point was that he was in a hurry to finish with me and get on his way.

Although this was over thirty years ago, it would have been easy enough for him to radio in to verify the registration on the car. To answer those who wondered how I learned that he was going through a divorce, that was simple. One of my employees lived in the same rural community as the trooper and told me about the messy divorce after I told him about getting stopped and told him the trooper’s name. It was merely supposition on his part that the trooper was running late for court and didn’t want to spend a lot of time with me. The only question I had was why he would turn around and follow me several miles to just give me a warning. You had better believe I would not have asked the officer that question. 😊

#4 is true. Several commented they all got off. However, the young lady in #4 did not get off. She got a ticket, which really stretched our budget at the time. As far as the comment that officers are more professional, most officers are. However, just as there are a small percentage of officers who commit crimes of all kinds, there are a few who take advantage of their position in other ways. Regardless of the profession, it seems there are always a few bad apples.

All four are true stories. Three of them were personal and one was a story I just heard the week before from the teenager who is now a grown man.

That’s a wrap.


So there you have it, folks! If anyone ever wants to take over the blog, send me your 4 Mystery Questions, but with one exception to Edward’s: you must have three true ones and one that you’ve made up. 🙂

I’ve stolen away from my family long enough to answer last week’s questions, but I’m afraid I can’t take time to come up with four new ones, so I’ll be back next week with a New Mystery Question! I am going to try and get Friday’s blog up…although it may be late!

Thanks for stopping by for Last Week’s Answers. Blessings and have a happy week!

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Comments 25

  1. Debra Tucker

    Oh Pat! Those were tricky indeed…what fun!!

    Your picture is so soothing. My family’s roots are in the Florida panhandle. Long before those long bridges they traveled by boat. I love how you see and capture the day’s beauty. It’s a gift. Thank you for sharing it with others. I know you’re enjoying this very special time with your family!

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      Patricia Bradley

      Delores, would you believe I deleted my best photo of the gator! He/she had crawled out on the bank and I got the best shot, then somehow deleted it. But I had a great time.

      1. Edward Arrington

        Pat, did you take the picture with your camera, or your phone? I have found with my phone that I may have to delete pictures from two or three locations before they are ever fully deleted (or at least deleted from anywhere I can access them). The camera, of course, is another story. Delete means delete on a camera.

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        Patricia Bradley

        Unfortunately, it was with my camera, Edward. 🙂 I thought I was deleting old photos but when I went back to look, I had deleted the one of the aligator.

  2. Tim Johnson

    The beautiful photo verse reminds me of a conversation on that very subject I had with a friend over brunch last Sunday.

    Those were tricky stories. Well done, Edward!

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  3. Barbara Diggs

    Well Edward, how about that? Good job. I wondered where you were last week, since I didn’t see a comment.
    Love this photo, Pat!!! I can just smell that salt water and feel the warm breeze. The perfect verse for the perfect picture. Thanks for sharing it. Hope you have a great time with your family…and some R&R, too 😉

    1. Edward Arrington

      Barbara, I commented. Go back to last week and scroll almost to the bottom. I made some very non-committal statements. Pat responded to my comment, ending with a winking emoji.

      1. Barbara Diggs

        Sure enough, Edward, you were there! Lol Guess I had a few senior moments!! So funny that you omitted all the ones with really getting a ticket. Hah! I do enjoy reading these these. TKe cars.

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      1. Barbara Diggs

        Glad you got to spend time with your sister, Barbara. “Barb i. t. h.” 😉

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  4. Edward Arrington

    Hey folks, I have to explain how this came about. It started with an email to Pat in which I shared these stories. She asked if she could share them sometime. From there it evolved into her setting it up and using my stories. It was so much fun reading the responses. I omitted any stories about the times I got a ticket for speeding, which were too many. Thanks, Pat, for going with this. I hope everyone else enjoyed the challenge. If I’m not mistaken, Lynn Brown was the only one who suspected they were all true.

  5. Edward Arrington

    Pat, I loved the picture and verse. I trust you will get many opportunities to enjoy the scenery, take lots of beautiful pictures, reflect on Scripture, and love on family!

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  6. Trixi

    Edward, I always said you were one smart cookie! You certainly had everyone fooled last week, lol 🙂

    Have fun on your vacation Patricia!

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