More Crazy Crime Stories–Mystery Question

Patricia Bradley Mystery Question 48 Comments

More Crazy Crime Stories; John 16:33

More Crazy Crime Stories is this week’s Mystery Question. These scenes are coming to you courtesy of a policeman in a state not named, at least not until I finish with all the crimes he talks about. 🙂

But first the photo and verse. I thought the bare branches were perfect for a winter shot of the sun going down. I love the colors I’ve been seeing in our late afternoon skies. This verse reminds me that no matter how bad things get, Jesus has overcome it all.

Now for last week’s Mystery Question. As usual, three are true and I made up one. Can you guess which one?
  1. A woman in aisle 20 of a Big Box store looked up when a man approached and told her he had a strange request. He wanted to kiss her feet, and he wouldn’t take no for an answer. She thought she would get rid of him if she told him he could kiss the top of her shoe. He dropped to all fours and proceeded to pull her sock down and kiss her ankle. That’s when she took out her phone and called the police.
  2. Police arrested a man trying to raise funds by washing cars to buy back his parrot from a local pawn shop. The problem? First of all, the car washes weren’t wanted, and second, the abrasive water from a nearby river ruined the finish on the cars, and he became rude when the car owners refused to pay him. The police shut him down and he threw his cart and supplies down the stairs that led to a scenic walkway on the river. That’s when they arrested him.
  3. When police noticed a car weaving from one side of the boulevard to the other, the officer pulled the car over. Before the officer could ask the obviously high young man for his license, he handed him his keys and said, “I need you to take me home.” When the officer asked if the young man had been drinking, he vehemently denied it, saying the state had taken his license for drinking and he wasn’t making that mistake again. So he’d smoked marijuana instead.
  4. A car pulled up to a blinking yellow light and stopped, getting the attention of a nearby policeman. After a minute, the car moved forward and the officer followed the car, and when it ran the red traffic light, he pulled over the driver, a lady. She lowered her window and the odor of whiskey alerted him to the strong possibility that she was inebriated. When he asked her to rate herself on a scale of zero-to-ten for drunkenness, she offered that she was a five. The breathalyzer confirmed her guess and she was taken to jail.

And the answer is…#3. It’s hard to imagine the other three are true! Congrats to all who got the correct answer.

Now for this week’s Mystery Question. As usual, three are true and I made up one. Can you guess which one?
  1. The argument started at a party and moved to the Airport Mall in another town. All because a man called a woman a name no man should ever call a woman. What made it worse was the man was currently dating the woman’s twin sister. What started out with a party ended up being a free-for-all. The woman head-butted the man and another person took out a log chain with the intent to teach the man a lesson. The only reason no one was arrested is that the log chain was quickly put away, and the man apologized to the woman.
  2. An officer was dispatched to break up a fight that started at a family meal where more alcohol than food was consumed. Two of the men were outside whaling on each other when the officer arrived. He had a pair of leather gloves in his thigh pocket, and a golden retriever belonging to one of the men decided it would be fun to retrieve them and take off for a game of chase. This at least broke up the fight when the owner ran into the house and grabbed a bag of treats. After a few false starts, the dog traded the gloves for a treat, and the two men shook hands.
  3. Police arrived on the scene to find a man lying face down on the sidewalk outside a pub. Not far from him was a colorful sign advertising drink specials and promoting one beer over another. It seems the man heaved the sign at the pub window and it bounced back and hit him on the noggin, knocking him out. He couldn’t remember why he’d thrown the sign. Turns out his blood alcohol level was quite high. Witnesses later told that he’d thrown the sign in a fit of  drunken fun and the sign had come back to “bite” him. His “fun” cost him a fine and he had to restore the sign.
  4. Alcohol is often the cause of many an arrest. Like the one at a bar in Dallas. A man who’d consumed way too much alcohol simply would not stop telling jokes and stories no one wanted to hear. After the bartender finally called the police, the officers told him if he didn’t shut up, they would arrest him for disturbing the peace. That shut him up, for about ten seconds. Then the drunk said, “Before you take me, let me tell you about the time I rode a bull.”

Okay, Super Sleuths, which story did I make up? Leave your answers in the comments and I’ll enter you in a January drawing for a book from my library. And don’t let the difference in print size sway you…that’s for internet alogrithms.

More Crazy Crime Stories is this week's Mystery Question. As usual three are true, one is made up. Can you guess which one? Leave a comment and I'll enter you in a January drawing for a book from my library. Click To Tweet
One more thing! I was honored to discover I’m on Family Fiction’s poll for your favorite Romance writer. If you haven’t already voted, would you consider voting for me? Here’s the link where you can vote (Or click on the pink picture) and I would greatly appreciate it!

More Crazy Crimes; Romance writer poll

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Comments 48

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  1. Andrea

    #2 just doesn’t sound right. Of course, these days, people are just a mess so who knows! I still can’t get over #1 not being true from last week.

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      Patricia Bradley

      Thank you for voting, Priscilla! I hate to ask people to vote, but *sigh* it’s part of marketing! So glad #3 made you shake your head…I love it when that happens. We’ll see next week if you guessed correctly. 😉

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  2. Tim Johnson

    God does indeed have it all under control, even when we can’t see it. Something to remember at the end of a tough day.

    I loved #2. Smart dog! I think you made up #1 because it’s the only one that doesn’t mention the police being involved.

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      Patricia Bradley

      Ah, just love your logic, Tim! And you’re right–God does have it all under control. That’s the only reason why I haven’t called PT to see why they haven’t scheduled me! Thanks for stopping by as always!

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  3. Barbara Diggs

    Hmm, these were challenging. I reread them three times. I loved #4. I can see the man now trying to get in that joke before being arrested.

    I’m going with #1, because it’s rare to see a fight end and an apology offered.

    Loved the photo…those colors! Wow!

    I was happy to vote as well!

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      Patricia Bradley

      Thanks, Barbara, for the vote! So glad these required three times reading. lol. We’ll see next week if your logic works. And it always amazes me when the camera actually captures the colors in the sky!

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      Patricia Bradley

      Elizabeth, you’ve made me happy–you think they’re all crazy! lol. We’ll see Tuesday if it’s #3–it is rather popular…do you think I’d use the same number twice in a row? Of course. I’m rather diabolical when it comes to these questions. lol

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  4. Edward Arrington

    I will admit that I have been curious about one of the stories being in larger print than the others. I also admit I don’t understand what internet algorithms have to do with it, but that’s okay since it’s inconsequential.

    Love the picture! You do get some beautiful sunsets out your way. Good verse choice.

    I’m choosing #1. Who goes around with a log chain in their pocket? Was he using it as a belt to hold up his pants? LOL! The log chains with which I am familiar can be bulky and quite heavy.

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      Patricia Bradley

      Edward, if I have more than 300 words in a section without a heading, Google won’t give me a smiley face. It’s that simple. So when the stories are long, sometimes I have to make some of them in heading font. lol. If I don’t Google won’t play nice with me.

      I’ve been thinking we get some really nice sunsets here, too. I can usually find really nice sunsets in the parking lot of our local Lowes, but that means getting in the car and driving about 5 minutes, and I’m always afraid the color will be gone by the time I get there. My back is feeling better and I may try to do that one day this week.

      And the log chain–I don’t think he was carrying it in his pocket, but it was in his pickup…
      Love your logic, anyway. 😉

  5. Erika Luther

    Beautiful picture and a great verse to remember. I’m going with #1. I voted for you! Always enjoy your books 🙂

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