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Patricia Bradley Mystery Question 36 Comments

It seems every week, as I study my Bible I find a verse that resonates with me, and this week it was Psalm 62:1. (NIV) I hope it resonates with you as well.

Friday I got out of the house and my neighborhood and even my town! I went to the mall in Tupelo, fifty miles away! I practiced social distancing and washed my hands it seems like every five minutes with cleaner. And I found five pairs of shorts to walk in! It’s too hot and humid to walk in long pants in Mississippi. lol

Now onto last week’s Mystery Question where I featured excuses people gave to a cop friend of mine, Lee Lofland. Three are true and I added one of my own. Can you guess which one I made up?
  1. “It’s not my fault. I was drunk.”
  2. “I didn’t steal the dog. It just sort of followed me home. And no, that’s not my meat in the bag.”
  3. “I didn’t mean to kill her. She stepped in front of my gun when I shot at her lover. I was trying to kill him.”
  4. “You mean this isn’t my house? My mistake. I’ll be going now. Can I have my tools back?”

And the one I made up was #2. Congrats Tim and Edward…your logic paid off. And congrats to everyone else who guessed correctly.

Now onto this week’s Mystery Question. When I picked up last Tuesday’s paper there were all these crime reports and I started reading…so you get to guess which one of the four reports is false. As usual, three are true and I made one up. Can you guess which one?
  1. A man reported he let a friend borrow his 1990 Ford Ranger for a couple of hours. Four days later the friend still had not returned the truck. This wasn’t the first time this had happened.
  2. A woman reported her 40-year-old brother showed up Friday night at her house and said she had started a war between family members and she was responsible for his son being locked up and Tased. She was in fear of bodily harm and called 911.
  3. A man called the sheriff after his wife put his clothes on the front porch in plastic bags and then barred the doors to keep him from getting inside. He didn’t know why she did that.
  4. A county resident left home for a couple of hours. When he returned he discovered several items of clothing ($600) missing, several pairs of shoes ($1,200), and a bottle of cologne ($200). He thinks his cousin stole the items.

Leave your answer in the comments and I’ll enter you in May’s drawing for a book from my library!


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Comments 36

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  1. Priscilla Bettis

    Congrats to Tim and Edward. Hm, for this week I’m guessing you made up number 4 because $1200 dollars for shoes? Surely not! (Of course, we’re really laid back at our house, so my mostly-unshod feet may be influencing my answer.)

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  2. Monique

    The weirdest thing is, number 3 is the only one I can definitely see happening… So either that’s the false one, or two of the others are true!! Okay, if the guy in number 2 was drunk, that would make more sense. The guy in number one would have to be an idiot if that’s true. And number four guy must be rich or a liar. So I ultimately can’t decide. Let’s just go with number 3, as that one stands out from the others!

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  3. Tim Johnson

    Pat, you’ve hit your stride in making up a situation that is plausible yet blends with the true events you’ve found. Arrrg! OK, I can easily see #2 and #3 being true. #4 is also likely true since only clothing and cologne were taken, and I can see where a sneaky relative might want a big night on the town “borrowing” his cousin’s stuff. That leaves #1 that I think you made up. Fool me once, shame on you, fool me twice, shame on me. Yeah, most people wouldn’t fall for that again.

    Good job with these!

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  4. Edward Arrington

    I can see #3 being made up. The first part sounds true but then he claims he doesn’t know why. Either this is made up or he’s lying about not knowing why. If it really happened, he would know the reason in spades. Probably heard it a dozen or more times.

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  5. Trixi

    If this were me, and my friend kept borrowing my truck and not bringing it back in the allotted time he said he would (but DAYS later), I wouldn’t allow my friend to borrow my truck anymore. I mean who does that? But as you and I both know, stranger things have happened 🙂

    I want to say #4 this week for the mystery question. I mean in my logic, why steal anything if your intent is to get money from it by pawning or selling the items. I really don’t see that the cousin would get anything from clothes, shoes, or cologne. Unless the whole point of stealing was to get back at his cousin for something. Who knows what goes through people’s minds?

    These are hard this week. I’ve never claimed to be good at solving mysteries 😉

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