Fun Facts Week 3

Patricia Bradley Mystery Question 42 Comments

I loPatricia Bradley and her sister at Christmas holding this time of year and often think back to my childhood. Christmas was a magical time, even though we didn’t have much money.

In late October the Sears Roebuck Toy Catalogue would arrive in the mail and I would spend time going through it, looking for cap pistols, not dolls even though this photo of my sister and me (I’m the older one) shows me holding one. That was the year my mom decided I WOULD get a doll that year. 

I looked for a photo of me with my cap pistols but alas that photo wasn’t saved. Note the matching style of the dresses. I think someone close to us made them. That’s also the year my sister got cowboy boots and I didn’t…she’ll probably kill me for posting this. (Now we’re even.)

Now onto last week’s Mystery Question. Three facts are true, one I made up. Guess which one:
  1. The largest bill issued for public circulation is a $5,000 bill.
  2. Silence is golden but the longest anyone has been able to tolerate total silence is 45 minutes.
  3. We all use x’s in our texts and notes to represent kisses but did you know it was first used n 1763 for that purpose?
  4. A jiffy is an actual amount of time–33.4 picoseconds.

And the answer is…#1. Yeah, I used the same number two times in a row. Can’t trust me. lol Amy D. and Shelia were correct that once there was a $10,000 and even a $100,000 bill. Now the largest denomination is a hundred dollar bill. Oh, and scientists say that the longest time anyone has stayed in total silence is 45 minutes. And I wonder about that–they say in total silence you can hear your blood flowing so is that truly total silence?

Now onto this week’s Mystery Question: Again, four fact, three are true one is false. Guess which one:
  1. Ants never sleep.
  2. An octopus has blue blood.
  3. Humans are born with only two fears, that of falling and loud noises.
  4. There is a lake that is naturally pink.

Okay, Super Sleuths, leave your answer in the comments and I’ll enter you in a drawing for a $10 Amazon gift card. And Random dot org has chosen the winner of last week’s drawing…Trixi!

Comments 42

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  1. Tim Johnson

    Ah, Pat you are tricky. I believe ants do nap, so once again I’m going with #1.
    What a cute photo of you and your sister. I love old family photos. They really tell a story.

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  2. Betti Mace

    I think I’ll go with #1, even though it seems the ant’s work is never done. But who’s to say that they don’t work in shifts?.. 😉

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  3. Mike Murphy

    Hi Patricia,
    Third time’s the charm!! #1 again!! Ants don’t ‘sleep’, like we do, but they have regular periods of inactivity.

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  4. Edward Arrington

    Regarding those $10,000 bills, did you ever see the Million Dollar Horseshoe in Las Vegas? I saw it when I was 12 years old. I believe I am correct that it was made with 100 $10,000 bills. For this week, I think I’ll try #1 again.

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      Patricia Bradley

      No, I never saw the Million Dollar Horsehoe in Vegas, Edward. Until I came across that information, I thought that the highest bill was a $1000 note which I had at one time. Thanks for stopping by.

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  5. Trixi

    All of these are crazy enough to be true! I’m going with #3 as the false statement this week.

    And thank you Mr. Random for choosing my name last week for the Amazon card…whoohoo!! Thanks Patricia 🙂

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