Edits In!

Patricia Bradley Mystery Question 47 Comments

I am HaPpY DaNcInG!! Just turned in the edits to Justice Delivered, the fourth book in the Memphis Cold Case series! Such a satisfying feeling!! 🙂

I can’t wait for you to read Justice Delivered! Unfortunately, it will be next year…BUT…June 5th, Justice Betrayed releases!!

Now for last week’s Mystery Question. It was very interesting.

A man went on a business trip. He and his wife usually spoke every morning, and when he didn’t call and didn’t answer his phone, the wife contacted his co-workers. Two of them drove to the hotel where the man was staying and knocked on his door.
There was no answer, so they got the hotel manager to open it where they found the man dead on the rug, prone and doubled over, a spent cigarette cupped delicately between two stiff fingers of his left hand. Room 348 was stuffy and exceptionally warm. When questioned, the wife said he always kept the air conditioning turned down low. At the autopsy, the coroner discovered a surprising amount of blood and extensive internal damage. Partly digested food had been torn from his intestines. He ruled his death was a homicide due to blunt force trauma and that the man had been kicked and beaten.
The detective in the case interviewed the wife, family, friends, and the electricians in the room next to him who had been drinking. When the detective discovered that before his death, the man had inadvertently blown a fuse, interrupting electrical service to the two rooms. The detective wondered if the burly construction workers had confronted the man and beaten him to death, but there were too many witnesses who stated there’d been no fight. There were many puzzles to the case–the man was right-handed, so why was the cigarette in his left hand? There was no trace evidence of anyone other than the employee who came to fix the electrical shortage. The employee was a registered sex offender.
Below are four clues, three of them true.  Can you figure out the false one?
  1. Video cameras showed the electricians had made several trips back and forth to their vehicles.
  2. A small hole had been patched in the electricians’ room with toothpaste.
  3. The crew foreman had heard something about a gun going off in a boardinghouse.
  4. The detective focused on the maintenance man after he was arrested a few days later for carrying a gun, prohibited since he was a sex offender.

And the answer is…#4. This murder was highlighted on ABC’s 20-20 in 2013. You can read about it here. Be warned there is strong language. For a milder version check out here and for what happened to the man who shot him here.

The abbreviated version is one of the electricians was drunk and discharged his gun. The bullet went through the wall and hit the victim. All the damage was done by the bullet. The man tried to cover it up by putting toothpaste in the hole. He never came forward after he discovered the man had died. And lied about having a gun. If he’d come forward when it first happened, he would not have served jail time.

Now for this week’s Mystery Question. I’ve found blotter reports from a police department near me. Three of them are true, one I made up. Which report is the false one?
  1. A man reported he has been using his cousin’s 2008 Altima for the last six months. The cousin is now refusing to give the man the keys to the car.
  2. A woman reported her sister stole her TV and put it in the garbage. The two had an ongoing feud.
  3. A woman on CR 1310 said her female neighbor came into her yard around 3:30 p.m. yelling and cursing because she was mad at her husband. The woman said it happens a lot.
  4. An intoxicated man stood at a crosswalk and kept pushing the “walk” button for over an hour.

I made one of these up. Which one? Leave your comment and I’ll enter you in a drawing for Justice Betrayed at the end of the month.

[tweet_box design=”default” float=”none”]Blotter reports…one is false. Can you guess which one? Leave a comment to be entered in a drawing for Justice Betrayed by Patricia Bradley #bookgiveaway[/tweet_box]

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Comments 47

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  1. Diane Nickerson

    The sad thing is I can believe all of these!! I am going to go with #2 in eternal optimism that sisters would not stoop to this level.

    1. Diane Nickerson

      I imagine it is a great feeling to get the edits done. I am looking forward to reading Justice Betrayed!

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        Patricia Bradley

        Thank you, Diane! And yes it is an incredible feeling! And today, I dive into the first Natchez Park Ranger mystery. I hope you enjoy Justice Betrayed.

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  2. Mary Hart

    I will go with # 3, also. I can believe all of them though!
    I’m going with # 3. All all believable, though.

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  3. Suzanne Sellner

    I’m going to guess #1 since that’s not something you report to the police. The other three represent situations that interfere with someone else’s rights. Having someone lend you a car is not a right. I just noticed that #4 is not interfering with someone’s rights, but it does represent a potential danger to the man himself or to others

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  4. MS Barb

    #1–if the person had been driving the car for 6 months how did the cousin get the keys back in order to “refuse” to give the cousin back the keys?

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  5. Meagan B

    I’m thinking number 1 is the made up blotter report. That said they all sound true especially in light of what my neighbors have done over the years.

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      1. Edward Arrington

        Pat, I just took a wild guess this time. I stayed up too late reading last night and was already behind when I opened your email. I didn’t spend a lot of time trying to sort them out today. It seems the more effort I put into figuring them out, the less likely I am to choose the correct one. 🙂

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  6. Victoria

    Yes, probably! There’s not a whole lot going down in my town but idk if you heard of the Shawn Grates serial killer before? Yep, that’s where I live lol.

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  7. Trixi

    I’m going with #4 this week. I can see it happening but for an hour straight? I think the drunk might have passed out before that 🙂

    Congrats on getting your edits in Patricia! Maybe you can have a little breathing room now 🙂

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