Dumbest Criminals Ever

Patricia Bradley Mystery Question 42 Comments

Dumbest Criminals Ever; Luke 2:13-24

Dumbest Criminals Ever is this week’s Mystery Question. I had a ball researching these stories. My only problem is thinking up one to go with them. As I write this, I haven’t come up with one, but I will. 🙂

But first the scripture verse (the photo is from Pexels-Clifford-Mervil). Luke 2 is one of my favorite chapters in the Bible, and the one I remember most from my childhood. My earliest memory of church was the “Christmas Pageant” with the Christmas story acted out. Once I was the angel who proclaimed, “Peace on Earth and goodwill to men.”

I was chosen probably because I was the tallest child in our Sunday School. It was also the only time anyone ever described me as an angel.

Now for last week’s Mystery Question: Unbelievable Blotter Reports. As usual, three are true and I’ve made up one. It’s your job to figure out which one I made up.
  1. A husband and wife had been separated a few weeks. The man called the police to report his wife wouldn’t give him a check that was mailed to his house for a job he’d done. The wife won’t give him the check because he won’t come home.
  2. Employees at a local Walmart called police to report a woman passed out on the floor with her shirt pulled over her head. The woman admitted to drinking while at a concert. Police offered to let her call someone to come and get her, but she couldn’t think of anyone, and she had no money for a taxi. They took her to jail where she was charged with public intoxication, but the jail refused to admit her, and was released with a citation.
  3. Not everyone believes in Santa–a woman called police to report her father-in-law was drunk and telling her preschool children there was no Santa Claus. She wanted him arrested.
  4. A woman in a state where marijuana isn’t legal called the police and reported two men were in her backyard cutting her marijuana plants. Arrests were made–the two men for stealing the marijuana plants and the woman for growing it.

And the answer is…drum roll…#3. Congrats to the ones who guessed correctly!

Now for this week’s Mystery Question: Dumbest Criminals Ever. As usual, three are true and I’ve made up one. It’s your job to figure out which one I made up.
  1. In England, a shoplifter was picked up after stealing a bottle of vodka from a liquor store. It didn’t take Sherlock Holmes to find him, though. His name and phone number were left with the clerk—after asking her out on a date.
  2. A man walked into a Baton Rouge, Louisiana, hotel and asked the clerk for a room. The clerk wasn’t a clerk—he was a state trooper. And the hotel was actually a state trooper station. That’s when he was arrested and charged with driving while intoxicated.
  3. A bank teller in South Wales ripped off the bank where he worked, but he wasn’t completely dishonest. He left a note in the safe: “Borrowed, seven million pounds”—then signed his name.
  4. The burglar cased the London house for a week, noting that the owners left every morning by eight and didn’t return until six. He arrived at the house at three and soon had three bags parked at the back door. When the grandfather clock chimed four times, he decided to take a break and have afternoon tea. What he didn’t know was the owner checked the security camera every afternoon at four and caught the burglar at the table, drinking tea and eating a sandwich. Police were quickly dispatched.

Okay, Super Sleuths, which one did I make up? Leave your answers in the comments, and I’ll enter you in a drawing this Friday for a 2022 calendar that I made using the memes from the blog posts–unless you’d rather have a book from my library. 🙂

Dumbest Criminals Ever is the Mystery Question this week.Three true stories, one made up. Can you guess which one? Leave your answers in the comments, and I'll enter you in a drawing! #amwritingmysteries, #Mysteryquestion Click To Tweet


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Comments 42

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  1. Paula Shreckhise

    I’ll side with Susan. #2 the only one set in the U S. And there are meteor showers visible for a few days right now!

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  2. Barbara Diggs

    Loved, loved, loved the pic and verse!

    This is so funny. I sang a one line solo for the first part of the verse and you, the angel, recited the second part. I was twelve and scared to death. The lady next to me held onto me, so I wouldn’t faint.

    All of the crimes brought a chuckle, but #4 brought an lol! Tea and a sandwich during a heist! Love it! #4 it is for me this week!

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  3. Betti

    I will go with #2 – however, it does seem hard to believe that any of them are true!!
    Love the verse and the picture. A calendar with the memes from the blog posts sounds just wonderful!

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  4. Tim Johnson

    Pat, I think all who participated in a children’s Christmas recitation in church will have Luke 2 ingrained in their memories for the rest of their lives. And, good for them!

    Somehow I seem to remember some of these dumbest criminal stories from the past. The problem is, I can’t remember whether you made one of them up or not. Now if only I’d read them as a kid, I’d remember which was which :-). I’m going to say that you made up #1. That would have had to have been one very attractive clerk to make him forget what he was there for.

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  5. Edward Arrington

    I’m choosing #2. It’s very similar to a previous crime you shared with us. As I recall, the other one was true, so I think this was made up.

    The picture and verse are inspiring.

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