Crazy Crimes

Patricia Bradley Mystery Question 37 Comments

I thought the verse from Isaiah 26:3 was a good one to focus on this week and wanted to share it. How are you faring? As for me, I’m good, walking every day, but so far I haven’t written anything other than blog posts. 🙂 I do hope to start on my Love Inspired Suspense book this week…maybe. My mind seems fractured…

But now onto the answers from two weeks ago! It seems I posted the wrong Mystery Question and answer last week. Let’s see if I can do better this week!

From two weeks ago:

This week’s Mystery Question is about dumb excuses people gave their insurance companies. Three of the following stories are true and I made up one. Can you guess which one?
  1.  “But Officer, I thought my car would jump the ditch like I see on TV all the time.”
  2. “I don’t know who was to blame for the accident; I wasn’t looking.”
  3. “I’m sorry officer for speeding, but without my glasses I can’t hardly see the speedometer.”
  4. “The car in front hit the pedestrian but he got up so I hit him again.”

And the answer is #1. Congrats on all who guessed correctly!

Now the answers from last week’s Mystery Question: Three of the following stories are true. One is false. Can you guess the false one?
  1. As two men waited in line at the coffee shop to pay their bill, a third man cut in front of them. He threw a drink at the clerk and demanded all the money from the till. Temporarily surprised, the men quickly recovered and handcuffed the crook. Apparently, in his rush the criminal didn’t notice they were police officers—in full uniform.
  2. Recently, a woman was stopped at a DUI checkpoint for being soused. Ever helpful, she offered up this info: “My husband’s right behind me, and he’s even drunker than I am.”
  3. A burglar carefully removed a window and hopped inside the den, knocking over a set of snare drums that belonged to the teenaged boy living in the house. Police were quickly called.
  4. A woman was arrested for breaking and entering. But she was quickly caught thanks to her ankle bracelet … the one fitted with a GPS system … that she had gotten from the police … for being on probation from an earlier breaking-and-entering case.

And the answer is…#3. Number 4 is the one I had trouble believing was true. lol

Now onto this week’s Mystery Question: Four stories, three are true. Which one did I make up?
  1. A woman hopped the fence at a zoo and danced in front of a lion who was so stunned, he just stared at her. Her friend taped the whole thing and she uploaded it to Instagram which helped police track her down.
  2. A woman avoided a DUI charge because she was driving her child’s toy truck. When asked why, she responded she wanted to be a professional wrestler and heard getting any kind of publicity was the best way to do it.
  3. A man was arrested after walking around town wearing a mask and carrying a sword…not for the sword, but for wearing a mask. It appears it’s okay to carry a sword in this town, but not okay to wear a mask that concealed his identity.
  4. A man was diagnosed with cancer and thought he was dying. He confessed to a ten-year-old murder because he wanted to clear his conscience. The diagnosis proved false, and he retracted his confession, but too many of the details proved to be true and he was convicted in the murder.

Okay, Super Sleuths, which one did I make up? Leave your answers in the comments and I’ll enter you in a drawing for a book from my library!

And be sure to tell your friends that Justice Delivered is only $1.59 on Amazon and Christian Books and $1.99 on Nook !

Carly Smith came by her trust issues honestly. A victim of sex trafficking, she’s been at the mercy of merciless men, ignored by law enforcement officers who should have helped her, and seemingly rejected by her family. She can’t even trust herself to do the right thing. Though she escaped her captors and is working hard on building a new life, the past continues to haunt her when she discovers that the man she couldn’t bring herself to report to police for fear of reliving her captivity is still out there, luring vulnerable girls under the guise of being a modeling agent.

When her own niece is kidnapped, Carly must overcome her fears and come forward with the information she has before it’s too late. When that proves to be not enough, she’ll have to go after the perpetrators herself.

Comments 37

  1. Tim Johnson

    Since people surely do the craziest things, I will say that #4 is the one you made up just because it seems to be the least crazy behavior. How’s that for crazy reasoning?

    This virus angst has gotten just about everyone off their normal routines. Pat, I hope you are finding inspiration in your walks that you can use in your new Love Inspired Suspense book. Happy writing!

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      Patricia Bradley

      Hi Tim! I never thought this ADHD gal would ever say I miss routine, lol. Right now I’m at the thinking stage of the story and learning who the characters are. I hope to start writing next week. 🙂 Thanks for stopping by!

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      Patricia Bradley

      Yes, Lisa, I miss seeing people! Although I did go to Walmart this morning. So far we don’t have any cases of Covid19 in my county, but I still practice social distancing and wash, wash, wash my hands. Good to ‘see’ you!

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  2. Edward Arrington

    Wow! I am surprised that I got two in a row correct. Now let’s see if I can get three in a row. 🙂 I read the ones for this week at least three times and the only one that sounds believable is #4. After choosing the most believable as the one that was made up, I scrolled down and read the other answers. It seems Tim and I think alike. The lion in the first one was probably more sedated than stunned.

    I like the Bible verse. I wouldn’t say I’m exactly in perfect peace but I am doing my best to keep my mind on God and not the circumstances around us. He is still in control!

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      Patricia Bradley

      Congrats, Edward! I’m glad I’ve sort of stumped you this week since you had to read over them more than once. 🙂 I keep repeating that verse all day, Edward. It is very comforting…that and I don’t watch TV. lol

  3. Erika

    Hi Patricia. Doing OK so far. My state (CA) is still on lock down. That is the perfect bible verse! I’m going to pick #4. I remember hearing about #1. Riding a power wheels? LOL wow! Crazy!

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  4. Monique

    I think I’ll go with number 2. New Zealand goes into stage 4 – total lockdown at midnight tonight for four weeks. Only essential businesses to stay open, and everyone else must stay in the
    immediately vicinity of their house, only driving to grocery stores and health centers, basically. Apparently we’re even going to have police and armed forces patrolling the streets to arrest people who don’t comply.

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  5. Trixi

    I sincerely hope that the woman who jumped into a lions enclosure at the zoo is made up….is she seriously insane?? Wow, I’ve never heard of anything so crazy. :-O And the funniest one is the drunk woman driving her child’s toy truck and getting arrested. Crazy people!

    I’m going with #4 this week as it sounds like the most “normal”, haha! I can’t believe three of these are true.

    As for me, I’ve lost complete track of the days. With nowhere to go or nothing to do, I think I’ll be going insane myself, and I am normally a homebody! But I know God has this in His hands and as the saying goes “this too shall pass”. I hope you get to start writing your Love Inspired book, though I can understand how hard it would be to concentrate through all of this.

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