Crazy Crimes You Won’t Believe

Patricia Bradley Mystery Question 42 Comments

It’s been an interesting week…we had a really fun Facebook party Wednesday through Friday, part of which I spent in pain and on a walker after I received an injection in my knee. To say I had a bad reaction would be putting it mildly, but I’m almost fully recovered from it now, thank goodness.

The picture below refers to this week’s Mystery Question. 🙂

Now onto last week’s Mystery Question: A woman decided to hire someone to kill her husband. The plan was for her to put something in his drink when he came home from work, then the two men she hired would carry him to his car and then drive him to a cliff and push the car with him in the driver’s seat over the cliff. Three of the following facts are true. I made up one. Can you guess which one?
  1. She failed to put enough of the drug into his drink and he woke up when the two men picked him up and there was a fight.
  2. They shot him three times.
  3. They put him in the car and drove to the spot chosen and pushed the car with him inside over the cliff.
  4. They were caught when one of the men who had a record left his prints on the back of the rearview mirror.

And the answer is…#4. I really think these people should win some sort of stupid prize if they thought coroner would just overlook the bullet holes and rule the death an accident.

Now onto this week’s Mystery Question. Four crazy crimes, three that are true and one I made up. Can you guess the made-up one?
  1. A teenager was doing a little underage drinking when a police officer took her aside and asked to see her ID. She challenged him to a game of “rock, paper, scissors” to win her freedom. When she ended up with rock to the officer’s scissors, the crowd that had gathered around them cheered and he let her go. He didn’t get off so easily–he and the other two officers with him were relieved of duty.
  2. A man’s expensive gun collection was stolen along with a German shepherd dog he purchased to guard it.
  3. A bank robber and his companions subdued a bank manager and employees in the UK and walked out with over sixty million pounds. The robbers would have gotten away with it if the leader had not returned to retrieve his Ferrari.
  4. What happens when you put a redneck, a gun, and an armadillo together? The redneck’s mother-in-law gets shot when the redneck shoots the armadillo, the bullet ricochets off the animal and into the m-i-l’s mobile home and hits the m-i-l in the back. Fortunately, she survived.

Okay, Mystery Sleuths, which one did I make up? Leave your answer in the comments and I’ll enter you in a drawing for a book from my library.

Comments 42

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  1. MS Barb

    #2–I would NOT be stealing someone’s German Shepherd guard dog, even though I am a dog lover! There’s a reason German Shepherds are used as K-9 dogs!

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  2. Dawn Nicol

    They all sound a bit made up, but my guess is #1 as I believe the cops would be reprimanded, but to lose their job over it? Unless there was more to the story… So sorry to hear about your knee but glad you are on the mend.

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  3. Tim Johnson

    Pat, these are all pretty crazy, but I’m going with #2 as the one you made up. You’d have to have a pretty tempting steak handy to swipe a German shepherd, I think.

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  4. Paula Shreckhise

    I’ll say #4. It would have to be a really freak shot at just the right angle to ricochet and then go through a mobile home wall or window.

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  5. Edward Arrington

    I’m going with #1. I can see one officer being dumb enough to take a challenge from a teen girl, but three officers? That’s a bit over the top. As far as the German shepherd guarding the gun collection, I’ve read too many stories of guard dogs being drugged, either with drugged meat or with a tranquilizer gun.

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  6. Maureen

    The fact that any of these are true is rather disturbing! LOL! I’m going with #1, hoping a police officer would not be so incompetent. 🙁
    I’m glad to hear your knee is doing better!

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  7. Trixi

    Again, it’s a toss up between two scenarios: #1 and #2–#1 because like everyone else said, I can see the officers getting a strick talking to and possible temporary leave of absence or something, I can’t see them getting relieved of duty. And #2 because I doubt that the dog would let someone steal anything from his owner, espcially a German Shepard. They are very protective of thier “pack’….unless the dog was drugged.

    I can’t really decide this week! They all sound like they could be true 🙂

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