Are You A Sleuth?–Mystery Question

Patricia Bradley Mystery Question 41 Comments

Are You a Sleuth; Isaiah 55:6-7

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Are You A Sleuth is this week’s Mystery Question. I hope you like the switch from guessing the one correct answer from the ones I made up!

But first the photo. One morning I had to be at physical therapy by 7:15 (where there’s a Sheepdoodle who almost scared the stew out of me when he thought it was too early for anyone to be there. lol)) Anyhooo, the sun was just coming over the horizon when I parked and grabbed my phone. Next time I go that early, I’ll have the ‘good’ camera with me. But I still got a great shot of the sunrise.

Then Sunday, our interim pastor preached on Isaiah 55:6-7 and for some reason, I thought of this photo. It’s actually a paraphrase Barbara Diggs sent me. 🙂 and I loved it. I hope you enjoy the photo although it’s not a beautiful mountain or anything like that–just an ordinary setting for an ordinary day.

Now for the answer to last week’s Mystery Question: A thief decided to help himself to some items in the trunk of someone else’s car. Unfortunately, he was caught. Which scenario do you believe happened? Again one is true and I made up the other three.
  1. He tried to sell the goods on the street and the owner of the car was his second customer who called the police.
  2. While he was rummaging around in the trunk, it slammed down, locking him in. When he was heard yelling and banging, the police were called and he was arrested.
  3. He broke into an unmarked police car, setting off the alarm, and the detective rushed out of the house and arrested him.
  4. Once again, one of those stupid Facebook deals–he posted photos of his new acquisitions to a one-upmanship contest. Unfortunately, the police ran the contest, and they recognized the items as reported stolen.

And the answer is…#2~congrats to all who guess correctly!

Now for this week’s Mystery Question–Are You A Sleuth?

Around eleven o’clock, a fire starts in a house. A mother tries desperately to get her three children out of the house. But smoke and flames keep the mother from rescuing the 10-day old baby on the second floor. The official cause of the fire was listed as an overheated extension cord attached to a space heater. Investigators have determined that the baby died in the fire.

Six years later there is a neighborhood birthday party. Which of the following is true:

1. A woman attending the birthday party thought that a girl at the party bore a resemblance to the missing baby’s sisters. It was partly because of the dimple in her cheek. She contacted the mother. DNA tests confirm the girl was the missing baby. The so-called mother of the girl at the party had kidnapped the baby and set the fire as a cover.

2. The mother of the missing baby attended the party with her older daughter. Mostly because the birthday girl was the same age as the mother’s missing baby. They left early, and when the mom went to the closet to get their coats, she dropped hers and accidentally pulled the top off a box. Inside the box, she discovered her baby’s stuffed bear and newspaper clippings of the fire. An investigation followed and DNA proved the birthday girl was her missing baby.

Two good ones…or is it possibly 3 or 4?

3. The arsonist is uncovered when the mother is looking at a photo album with pictures of the baby on the anniversary of the fire. She noticed a neighbor in the photo who had moved into another part of the neighborhood after the fire. The woman was lurking near the front door holding a bag . At the party, the mother saw the woman in the photo. She’d never accepted that her daughter died and contacted the police to investigate the ex-neighbor who just happened to have a little girl the same age the baby would have been. DNA tests revealed her daughter was indeed the baby everyone thought had died.

4. At the party, the mother’s eight-year-old (who would’ve been two at the time of the fire) told her mother she had a new friend and she was going to be her sister. When the mother saw the new friend, she knew in her heart this was her child. she felt it so strongly, she called the police to investigate. When the woman couldn’t produce a birth certificate, a DNA test was ordered and the new friend did indeed turn out to be the eight-year-old girl’s sister.

Okay, Super Sleuths, your work is cut out for you. Which one is the true story? Leave your answer in the comments and I’ll enter you in a February drawing for a book from my library. And since it is February, the choices might have a little romance in them…

January’s winner is… Lynn Brown!

Are you a Sleuth? This week's Mystery Question is a tough one. Can you solve it? Leave your answer in the comments and I'll enter you in a February Drawing for a book from my library! Click To Tweet

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Comments 41

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  1. Andrea

    First, I had to make myself ok with the fact that the story didn’t say the baby was missing from the fire. It said baby died in fire. I had to accept that they must not have found a body. why else would the mom ever look for or consider the baby could be alive somewhere. Once I worked that out, I decided #3.

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  2. Delores Topliff

    For last week, I believe you but the answer is still incredible 🙂 For this week, I’d go with #1 except I can’t picture the “mother” cooperating. It’s hard to choose but I’ll go with #3 and the “mother” who’d lingered in the neighborhood, had a child the same age, etc.

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  3. Tim Johnson

    “…just an ordinary setting for an ordinary day.” And most of our days are just that. So appropriate, and the perfect verse to match.

    Tough one to puzzle out. I am going with #1. The resemblance to the mother’s other daughters seemed a good reason to suspect the birthday girl was hers, and that she was the same age as the baby she thought she lost in the fire plus the dimple in her cheek. Wow. What a story no matter which one is true.

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  4. Barbara Diggs

    Mercy, these were challenging! After my seventh read through, I decided to go with #4.

    For #1 Would “a woman” be thinking about the fire eight years later.
    #2 Would “the woman” who took the baby leave that evidence so readily available in the closet?
    #3 If the mother was looking at pictures of her baby on the anniversary of the fire, why would the woman with the bag be in the baby photos? Now if the mother was looking at crime scene photos, then the woman with the bag might be in the pictures?
    #4 The fact that her daughter said this new friend was going to be her sister was a red flag to me. The mother having the strong feeling inside that this was her daughter made me want to investigate further.

    You sure challenged my brain this morning. It will be hard waiting a full week to get the answers!

    When I saw the sunrise photo, my heart leapt into singing, “Morning Has Broken….”

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      1. Tim Johnson

        Oh, I love that song! Thanks for the mention Barbara, and for the link, Pat. I didn’t recognize Órla Fallon’s name until I saw her. I remember her well from the Celtic Woman group. Love their singing.

      2. Barbara Diggs

        What a lovely version of Morning Has Broken! Of course, we all,probably sang along from our houses.

        I’m so glad it was okay to puzzle out, the soon to know, answer. I wondered if it was okay to do that, but I couldn’t help myself. The challenge called my name. Have to wait until next week to know the answer. Sigh!

        I think I want a Sheepdoodle now! That is some dog!

  5. Edward Arrington

    Great picture! Wish we could see those sunrises more often. But, on the other hand, it would mean I have to get up earlier. LOL! Good verse.

    I have chosen #4. Stands to reason that a young girl would somehow know her own sister even though it had been six years and the sister was only ten-days-old at the time. Children are sharp.

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  6. Trixi

    Oh goodness, how does one choose the correct answer? These all are a great possibility as to what happened! I’ll go with the popular #4 this week because I think siblings have a strong connection to each other as well as parents to their children . Think “Parent Trap”, which I just watched this last week with my granddaughter or the Biblical story of the two women claiming the same baby 🙂

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  7. Joy Shelden

    My guess is for numero uno! I also loved the photo with the verse. I don’t think sunrises are ordinary – God paints them every morning!

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  8. Leigh

    Isn’t finding beauty in the ordinary what makes the “ordinary” become “extraordinary”? Love the photo and verse!

    Boy, these scenarios are tough! I’m going to choose #1.

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