Another Week, Another Dumb Criminal

Patricia Bradley Mystery Question 42 Comments

Sand clock

Photo by NeONBRAND on Unsplash

Oh, me! Time is running out! Labor Day has come and gone…that means I only have five months to write my next book! But I’m working on it as I can. Life has kind of thrown me a curveball, and I’m dealing with a few things, like edits for the first book that came in last week!

I will say this, I have some of the best editors in the world. The things they catch are amazing. I’ve never met an edit I didn’t eventually embrace. 😉

Now for last weeks’ Mystery Questions:  Four crimes, three of which are true. Can you pick out the false one?
  1. At a bank, a man wrote a note stating he was armed and to hand over all of the money in the register. The bank teller did so without hesitation, then the criminal demanded more money. The teller explained that the machine needed an active license in order to print the money and the criminal handed over his real license and said print it! He made it much easier on the police to arrest him.
  2. This burglar deserves bungler of the year after he broke into a house with security cameras. The hapless man not only looked straight at the camera, but he somehow left his wallet in the homeowner’s den when he stole a computer…that he dropped by the backdoor.
  3. A hermit loved to steal from anyone living around him only it wasn’t money, jewelry, or electronics–he mostly stole candy. Even so, he was taken to jail because he was indeed stealing from his neighbors.
  4. A teenaged girl fell victim to a fake Facebook post put out by the police, stating that drugs, such as meth, have been found containing Ebola. The news alert told people who had purchased meth or heroin recently, to bring it to the local police department to be screened for Ebola. The girl took her meth to the local police department to have it checked for Ebola where she was charged with possession.

And the answer is…#2! Police are indeed allowed to trick the crooks. All three true stories blow my mind. Someone asked where I get these crimes…all you have to do is Google “dumb, crazy, or stupid crooks”. 😉

Now for this week’s Mystery Question that I’m typing with Suzy in my arms…
  1. Two ten-year-old boys set up a lemonade stand and were doing good business. Unfortunately, their success came to the attention of an idiot who robbed them after first giving them an IOU complete with his real name for a glass of lemonade. Made it easy for the cops to track him down.
  2. Two men were arrested after breaking into a Best Buy because one of them accidentally dialed 9-1-1.
  3. A man broke into an escape room, picked up a cell phone left on the front desk, a TV remote, and a cold beer. Then he couldn’t get out and panicked, calling 9-1-1.
  4. Two men successfully robbed a pub, but they didn’t realize a retirement party for a cop was going on. When the cops discovered what was going on, they chased down the suspects.

Okay, Super Sleuths, which one did I make up. Leave your answers in the comments and I’ll enter you in a drawing for a book from my library.

Linda Reville is the August winner!

Be sure to keep everyone in the path of Dorian in your thoughts and prayers. This is a monster storm!

Comments 42

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  1. MS Barb

    #3 — why would someone break INTO an escape room? (Patricia, have you tried the “escape room” adventure? (I have not, & I’m not sure if I want to!)

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  2. Tim Johnson

    Aw, Suzy looks so happy in your lap. I have one who likes to monopolize my lap, and the keyboard!
    I believe #1 is the one you made up.

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  3. Edward Arrington

    I think I’m in a rut because I keep choosing #1. I’m going with that again. Whether true or false, I can see why many of these people are crooks. They don’t have enough brains to blow a stick of dynamite, much less hold down an honest job.

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