I have a friend who writes A-mazing books–Melanie Dickerson and you can check out her latest release The Silent Songbird. Anyway, I want to share her latest escapade at the post office. And after you read it, would you please take the survey? Melanie’s Escapade: Anybody want to hear my newest post office saga? It’s not terrible, but here it …
Are Crooks This Dumb?
I don’t know how it is in your neighborhood, but it’s beautiful right now in North Mississippi! I love Autumn–there is a golden haze to the days. The trees are turning and it’s cool in the morning and rather warm in the afternoons. Perfect for driving to the lake! But, now on to last week’s Mystery Question! A bank robber’s carefully …
The Bank Robber Did What?
The past two weeks have been like a roller coaster. Two weeks ago, my nephew became critically ill and was sent to Barnes Jewish Hospital where he crashed not long after arriving. If he’d been anywhere else, he most likely wouldn’t be here now. I spent 8 days with his mom (my sister) and his dad in his ICU room. …
She Put a Pound of Meth Where?
Well Happy Thanksgiving yesterday to my Canadian friends and Happy Columbus Day to those living in the US! The winner for this week’s Amazon $5 gift card is: Sharon! Now on to the answer to last week’s question: According to the FBI, most modern-day bank robberies are “unsophisticated and unprofessional crimes,” committed by young male repeat offenders who apparently don’t …
Who Robs Banks?
Thanks so much everyone for visiting and wishing me well on my journey to discover what sent me to the hospital. Tomorrow the monitor comes off and next week I’ll find out what it says. 🙂 The winner of the $5 Amazon gift card is Jennifer Tipton! And now for last week’s Mystery Question answer! The police made a sweep …
A Change in Plans
Last week was an interesting week for me. Monday the 19th, I was supposed to have knee replacement surgery. Saturday afternoon I sat on my deck talking to God, you know, checking to make sure I should go through with this surgery. Since the cortisone injections, my knee was actually better, but I knew once the medicine wore off, I …
Why Was the Man Arrested?
Last week’s Mystery Question was so much fun for me. I love reports from the Police blotter! A woman reported her water line runs through the neighbor’s property. She thinks they have tapped into her line because her bill has been high for more than a year. When the neighbors were gone for about 6 weeks, her water bill …
People Report the Funniest Things
Breathing a sigh of relief. Just mailed edits for the first Memphis Cold Case Novel–Justice Delayed! And I noticed when I typed “mailed”, autocorrect wants to change it to email. 🙂 No, autocorrect, there are some things that still have to be snail mailed. As I went through the edits, I was really pleased with the book…just hope you readers are. …
Woolly Worms and Dumb Criminals
Last week’s question was what was a Woolly Worm and it seems everyone knew it was #3, a caterpillar that’s sometimes black. Which is the correct answer. 🙂 But as I researched about woolly worms I discovered a few interesting facts. Woolly have 13 segments and three sets of legs. They have tiny eyes, but they make their way around mostly …
Mystery Question…Was It Poison?
Today I toured the American Queen for research purposes for my cozy mystery. Unfortunately, I didn’t get a good photo of the boat so I had to ‘borrow’ a photo from their Facebook page! I did get lots of information from COO Ted Sykes, and was treated to the Million Dollar tour. He was so helpful and so passionate about …