Hi everyone! Can you believe this is the last Tuesday in January?? It seems like only yesterday it was New Years Day! I now have thirty days to write 26,718 words…so…breaking that down to writing 6 days a week, I have to write 1068words each day… EXCEPT I need to have those 26,718 words written by February 10th so I …
Greed Will Get You Every Time
I’m always amazed when one of my books ends up somewhere I don’t suspect it will. My sister texted me the photo at the left–her husband takes all kinds of sale magazines and was quite surprised to open one and find my book just below Kate Smith’s CD. I’m in good company! After a week of snow and ice and near-zero temperatures, …
The Perfect Alibi?
Last week was an interesting one here in North Mississippi. On Wednesday and Thursday, the temp rose to 70 degrees. And Friday we received a couple of inches of snow that is still hanging around. I’ve always said, if you don’t like the weather around here, give it twenty-four hours and it’ll change. 🙂 Now for last week’s Mystery Question: The …
Who Did It?
Working hard to finish the first draft of my fourth Cold Case Novel so I can go to see the Greats who have been born in the last two months! The twins, Ryder and Callie, were born on Monday after Thanksgiving and Aliyah was born last Friday! I made Aliyah’s blanket and almost have Ryder’s finished. Then I’ll make Callie one! …
And the winner is…
Things have gotten so crazy at my house, this will be my last original post for 2017…but I’m planning on rerunning one of my favorite blogs next week. Now for last week’s Mystery Question, answer, and winner! Blotter Reports. Three statements are actual blotter reports and one I made up. A Maine police department is warning residents to steer clear of black market …
Crazy Blotter Reports
On this last blog until after the first of the year, I thought I’d do a funny Mystery Question on Crazy Blotter Reports to give us all a good laugh. But first last week’s Mystery Question and answer: It’s 1982 and a man breaks into a home in Memphis, Tennessee, and takes a fifteen-year-old girl captive. He keeps her prisoner in …
Can you believe it’s the first of December? I love Christmas time. I’ve noticed people are usually kinder and more thoughtful toward others during this season and wish it were so all year round. Now on to last week’s Mystery Question. It’s 1951 in Cleveland, Ohio, and a police officer spots a Lincoln with California tags going the wrong direction on …
How durable are fingerprints?
The year is 1880. English scientist Sir Francis Galton established that fingerprints are not inherited and that even identical twins had different ridge patterns. Two years later, Galton published a book from his studies, Finger Prints. From this book, a police officer in India established five basic patterns and instructed his forces to start using dactyloscopy — the term used …
Murder Most Fowl
With it being Thanksgiving, I couldn’t resist the title. As we enter the Thanksgiving time, I hope everyone will take time to think about all we have to be thankful for. Even when we are in dire circumstances, we have a God who loves us and walks with us through every situation we find ourselves in. Sometimes the pain is so great, …
DNA Testing for Murder
I don’t know about you, but I’m enjoying the fall foliage in my little corner of North Mississippi. What’s it like in your neck of the woods? And now for this week’s Mystery Question: It’s an evening in 1933 and two couples are playing bridge when two gunmen burst into the home and take the two men captive. Although warned …