Last week I spent parts of three days researching for my next book set in Natchez. I toured antebellum homes where I learned their history. Sad to say the homes and many of the furnishing were built with slave labor. Look at the craftsmanship of this building and the furniture they made! It is A-Ma-Zing! This is a desk that …
The Selfie Phenomenon
This week so far has been much calmer and so far no more vertigo! While I’m still plugging my new release, Justice Delivered, that too is slowing down and I’m turning my attention to the next book in the Natchez series. In fact, tomorrow I’m traveling to Natchez for research! Pictures to follow. Now onto last week’s Mystery Question: Which …
Release Week~ And Dumb Ideas
This post almost didn’t get written on time. Monday morning I woke up with my room reeling. Or maybe it was me reeling. No matter, I could not walk without holding on to something, and even then I felt as though I was going to fall. A bad case of Vertigo is TERRIBLE! I still had a hundred pages to …
And These People Walk Among Us
Here it is almost April 1st! Deadline approaches. Guess what? I’m still working on the book that’s due! So I’ll get right to last week’s crime: Three of the following crimes are true. I made up one. Which did I make up? Leave your guess in the comments. An unidentified man, using a shotgun like a club to break a …
What Are the Odds Of Meeting a Killer?
[tweet_dis_img inject=””Murder is always a mistake – one should never do anything one cannot talk about after dinner.” ~ Oscar Wilde”][/tweet_dis_img] “Murder is always a mistake – one should never do anything one cannot talk about after dinner.” ~ Oscar Wilde An exercise in a Fermi estimation says that the average person crosses paths with a murderer 36 times …
Can You Believe It?
Can you believe it’s the first of March??? I can’t. I’m still working on the first book in the Natchez Park Rangers series. With the first draft finished, I’m letting it percolate a bit while I work on 1. My taxes (Can you believe I waited until last week to put five months of checks into my computer???) and 2. …
The Bahamas and Other Things
The Bahamas were fabulous. The photo is of the moon setting in Nassau the first morning out. It looks like the sun, doesn’t it? The next night it was huge as it rose on the horizon and even reddish in color. My iPhone didn’t capture the red that well, but it’s still pretty! As I write this I’ve just returned …
Getting To Know You…
Hi everyone! When you read this I’ll probably be looking for a botanical garden in Nassau. 🙂 But it’s not exactly a vacation…I’m meeting with editors from Hallmark, Harlequin, and Netflix…we’ll see what God has in store… Now for last week’s Mystery Question: Below are four blotter reports. I made up one and the rest are true. Can you guess …
Crazy Blotter Reports
Just thought I’d tease you a little. 🙂 This is one of three or four buttercups (I know, everyone else calls them daffodils but I’ve always called them buttercups.) growing alongside the road where I walk. Quince is also blooming as is a cherry tree in the area. Spring cannot be far behind! Now for last week’s Mystery Question: For …
Happy February!
Hello everyone! I’m baaaaccck…sort of. Before you ask, no the book isn’t finished, but my editor gave me a reprieve and an extension! One day I’ll do a blog post on what you do when your story won’t talk to you. 🙂 I hope everyone had a great Christmas and New Year and you’ve thawed out from last week’s Polar Vortex! …