A Visit with Author Amy Lillard

Patricia Bradley Inspirational Fiction, Writing 26 Comments

Amy LillardI am so pleased to welcome Amy Lillard, author of Saving Gideon and the soon-to-be-released Katie’s Choice.

 Thank you for having me, Patricia.

Tell us a little about yourself, Amy. Like where you grew up  and where you live now:

I grew up outside Corinth, Mississippi, (ever hear of it? J) and spent most of my “growing up” years there. I moved to Oklahoma just before I graduated high school. I met my husband in college. After living in Texas and the Caribbean, we now call Tulsa home.

Corinth. You must have left about the time I came. It’s a wonderful place to live. Now, how long have you been writing and how many books have you published?

I’ve been writing for about twenty years. (Yikes! Has it really been that long?) LOL Katie’s Choice is my second published novel. It’s the sequel to Saving Gideon which was released last year.

Were there any particular challenges in writing this novel?

The hardest part was that Zane Carson, the hero, is English (not Amish) and comes from a world completely different than Katie Rose and the other Fishers. Not just because he’s not Amish, but because his life is a hard and wordly place. He’s a war correspondent. His job is rough and his life is not filled with the everyday devotions to God.  His language was a particular challenge. I had to make sure that I tempered him for my reading audience, and yet still kept his voice in line with who he is and where he comes from.

How long did it take you to write Katie’s Choice?Katie's Choice

It took about seven weeks from start to finish. That is, seven weeks to write a draft worthy to turn into my editor. From there, of course, it went through two edits and countless cross checks of Amish facts and character outlines to keep everything consistent.

Wow. I think I’ll turn just a little green. By the way, how hard is it to write an Amish story?

I don’t feel that it’s *hard* to write an Amish story. It takes a lot of research and a definite appreciation for the culture. But I am a romance writer first and foremost, so the relationship comes first and within this relationship the characters have to abide by the dictates of their culture.

Katie’s Choice has a very strong faith-based theme. What role has your faith played in your writing?

My faith plays a huge role in my writing, both within the text and behind the scenes. Especially when dealing with “English” characters. The Amish have a few different beliefs than the non-Amish Christians. My personal beliefs are beneficial in developing believable characters whether they have lost their faith, believe as I do, differently, or not at all. I feel very blessed to be able to write faith-based novels that can be shared by generations.                   

I understand your next series, Beachy Amish Romance is going to be published by Kensington. Would you like to tell us a little about that? And I’ll finish up by promising to have you back when they come out. J

The next series is tentatively titled Some Secrets. (I’m not sure if Kensington will keep the name.) It’s a series about three girlfriends and the changes certain secrets bring into their lives. That’s really all I can say about it right now. Don’t want to give anything away too soon. In the meantime, Gabriel’s Bride the third Clover Ridge will be released next year. Can I come back for that too? J

Definitely will have you back!

And, since it’s a blog tour, Amy is giving away a prize at every stop. She’s calling it, “The envelope, please” Contest, because she’s taking various prizes–gift cards to different stores and codes to win free e-copies of Katie’s Choice—and sealing them in envelopes. Every stop will have a winner, but the prize is a surprise until the envelope arrives at the recipient’s. Click here to enter  the Rafflecopter giveaway



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Comments 26

    1. Post
      Patricia Bradley

      Michelle, I love this book. Had never read Amish fiction before, but discovered a new interest.

    2. Amy Lillard

      Thanks, Michelle. It;s thrilling and surreal and sommehow just another day all at once! 🙂 Now I’m on the search to see it in a store! Thanks for stopping by.

      1. Post
      2. Amy Lillard

        Thanks, Pat! 🙂 It’s just a matter of getting to the store and checking it out–while wearing makeup and decent clothes. Don’t want to point out that I wrote it if I look like a ragamuffin. They’ll think I’m crazy and the picture would be terrible on Facebook. LOL

  1. mary ellen ashenfelder

    Love reading books about the Amish. Would love to read this book. Please accept my entry. Thank you for the chance to win and for the interview.

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  2. Elizabeth Dent

    Very good interview Patricia , I love Amy Lillard’s Amish books . They are Amish with just enough romance in them to hold your interest . I have read both of her books , and when you start one you don’t want to put it down . She has done a fine job of writing these two books . I am looking forward to the third book in the series . I would love to win this giveaway . Thanks for having it .
    Blessings ,

    1. Post
      Patricia Bradley

      I am excited that she’s here. She is such a good writer. Thanks for stopping by Elizabeth.

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  4. Johnnie Alexander Donley

    Color me emerald green — seven weeks?! Wow! Congrats, Amy, on your new release with more to come. I enjoyed reading about your characters and getting to know you a little bit. My son is a student at Oklahoma Christian University so my ears (eyes?) perk up whenever someone mentions that state.

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