Dumb as Dumb Is

Patricia Bradley Mystery Question, Stupid Criminal Question 6 Comments

Or how dumb can a criminal be?

But first, did you know there was a Special Day for just about anything? If you don’t believe me check out this website. Anyway, here are a few Special Days listed for June:

National Bubba Day  Never heard of it? Me, eIMG_1452ither, but here’s what the website says about it:

It’s always celebrated on June 2 and National Bubba Day honors anyone named or called Bubba. To qualify to be honored today, your name can be formally, or informally “Bubba”. You can even take on the name “Bubba” for just the day. That way everyone can celebrate this day.

There’s a lot of ways to celebrate National Bubba Day. Acting like a “Bubba” is your starting point. Cards, parties, and other celebrations are definitely in order. Gift giving is optional.

And, Bubba is the Yiddish word for grandmother

Another Special Day for June is Flip a Coin Day.  Do you have any idea how to celebrate this day? You guessed it…Flip a coin.  Use this method of decision making for all decisions, and for everything you do today.

Celebrated on June 1 Flip a Coin Day is a day when making decisions is as easy as flipping a coin. This tradition dates back to Julius Caesar. Caesar would take a coin and flip it to make decisions where the right choice was unclear. The correct answer was “heads”, which of course carried his image on the coin.

And then there is  National Rocky Road Day and National Doughnut Day (which is always the first Friday in June) I don’t think I have to food-restaurant-summer-nuts-mediumtell you how to celebrate those days.

And then there is Repeat Day (I said “Repeat Day”) Always celebrated on June 3. Repeat Day is an opportunity to do things over and over again. Repeat Day is an opportunity to do things over and over again. (;-)

But my favorite is probably  Hug Your Cat Day and it’s celebrated on June 4 (and every day at my house!)

So what is celebrated today, June 7th? National Chocolate Ice Cream Day Again, I think you’ll know how to celebrate that one. And I think it’s also a good one to end on and get on the Mystery Question which was really a Dumb Criminal story!

Here’s last week’s recap:

A guy walked into a little corner store with a shotgun and demanded all the cash from the cash drawer. After the cashier put the cash in a bag, he ran out the door. Two hours later, he was arrested. What did he do to get arrested so quickly?

  1. Before he ran out the door, he demanded a bottle of scotch behind the counter. The clerk asked him to prove he was 21, and the thief pulled out his driver’s license and showed it to him.
  2. The thief bragged about robbing the store on Facebook and invited all his friends over for a party.
  3. The store he robbed was located five blocks from where he lived and the clerk not only recognized him but knew his name and where he lived.
  4. The thief dropped his student ID to the local junior college and the police found him at the student dorm and arrested him.

And the answer is…#1. Proving you’re 21 will get you every time!

Now for this week’s Dumb Criminal question:

The District Attorney requested all the robbery victims to come to the police station to study a lineup of five people. He placed his suspect at the end of the line. Then he asked each to step forward and say, “Give me all your money… and I need some change in quarters, nickels and dimes.”

Why did the victims pick #5?

  1. After robbing the victims, #5 had taken a selfie with each victim and posted it on Snapchat.
  2. #5 had on a shirt he’d stolen from one of the victims.
  3. When it was his turn,#5 said, “That’s not what I said.”
  4. #5 had left his billfold at one of the victims’ houses.

So, readers, which one is it?

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Comments 6

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  1. Ellen Gray

    I enjoy reading these each week, although my detective skills haven’t been great. This week my guess is #3!

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