Who was Valentine?

Patricia Bradley Mystery Question 29 Comments

It’s Valentine’s Day, and according to the Greeting Card Association, 25% of all cards sent each year are valentines. But have you ever wondered how Valentine’s Day started? Well, I have.

It seems St. Valentine lived back in 270 AD during the reign of Claudius II. Claudius decided to ban his soldiers from getting married. He felt that married men were too emotionally attached to their wives and children, and therefore didn’t make good soldiers.

St. Valentine thought Claudius’ decree was unfair and secretly married lovers who came to him. Of course, news like that gets out and Claudius eventually learned what Valentine was doing and had him arrested. And while Claudius was impressed with Valentine’s dignity and conviction, he wasn’t happy that Valentine refused to agree with the ban. When the priest tried to convert Claudius to Christianity, Claudius became furious and ordered his execution. Which took place on February 14.

Valentine had made friends with the jailer’s daughter and the night before his execution, he penned her a farewell letter and signed it: from your Valentine.

Now for last week’s Mystery Question:

Two men decided to rob a bank. Unfortunately, they didn’t get very far before the police nabbed them. Was it because:

  1. The robbers called ahead and told the teller they were coming to rob the bank and to get the money ready.
  2. One of the robbers handed the teller a note written on the back of his bank deposit slip that had his address on it, and once they had the money, they ran out the door without the note.
  3. Once they had the money, they ran out the door and tried to hijack a car…that belonged to an undercover cop who pulled his gun on them and arrested them.
  4. When one of the robbers fired his gun, he accidently shot his partner in the foot. The two men were so rattled, they ran off without the money. The police arrested them when they showed up at the emergency room.

And the answer is…you won’t believe this…#1. They actually called ahead and told the teller to get the money ready!

Now for this week’s Mystery question:

A burglar broke into a woman’s house with the intention of stealing her jewelry. What could he not resist?

  1. He couldn’t resist mugging for her camera. When the police checked the video, one of the officers recognized the burglar as one he’d arrested the month before who was out on bond.
  2. He couldn’t resist getting into the Rocky Road ice cream. Unfortunately, it was after he tripped the alarm and his snack allowed the police time to get there.
  3. He couldn’t resist getting on FaceBook and updating his status and left her house with his FB account still open on her computer.
  4. He couldn’t resist stealing her new car with GPS tracking installed on it. It took the security company five minutes to locate him.

Okay, Super Slueths, which is it? Leave your answer in the comments to be entered in a drawing for my newest book, Justice Delayed! I’ll draw a name the 28th of February!

[tweet_box design=”default” float=”none” inject=”#mysteryquestion”]Did the burglar mug for the camera and get caught, or was it because he took time to eat Rocky Road?[/tweet_box] [tweet_box design=”default” float=”none”]Who was this Valentine guy? Leave a comment to be entered in #giveaway for Justice Delayed![/tweet_box]

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Comments 29

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  1. Mel

    Three would be funny and something that I could see someone doing but I am going to go with number 2. #2 is my choice. Happy Valentine’s Day.

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  2. Edward Arrington

    Figuring out whodunit in two sentences is far more difficult than figuring it out in a 300-page book. Maybe that’s why so many crimes go unsolved. 🙂 I choose #4.

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  3. Jerusha Agen

    Ooh. #1 or #2. Can I have two guesses? I guess I’ll call #2, Rocky Road. I can’t believe the answer to last week’s question. They called ahead? I can see why people say that criminals are usually not very smart. 🙂 Thankfully! Love the info on St. Valentine. I hadn’t remembered that story. Another great holiday started with a Christian. 🙂 Happy Valentine’s Day!

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  4. Trixi

    I actually got last weeks question right (#1 the robbers called in thier “order”)…HAHA! Can’t believe someone would be that dumb!
    As for this weeks question, I want to say #2 or #3….both are good canidates! Rocky road ice-cream and/or update my FB while I’m here….HAHA! How fun, I love these every week 🙂

    Please add my name for the book drawing, thanks so much! I hope you had a great Valentine’s with hubby Patricia! I also watched your FB video not this last Sunday (12th) but the one on the 5th. I didn’t know you had a Southern accent, love it! You’re just so cute!

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      Patricia Bradley

      You are entered, Trixi, and thanks for noticing my Southern accent. 🙂 I didn’t do one this Sunday, but will on the 19th. I took off my good clothes before I remembered to do the video. lol. And it was fun coming up with the choices this week. Thanks for stopping by.

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  5. Loraine N.

    Facebook would really be foolish (and is completely believable in this day and age), but I’m going to go with #4. Maybe he didn’t realize the car had GPS on it? Thanks for the fun giveaway!

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