On Deadline Here

Patricia Bradley Mystery Question 17 Comments

I said I’d never be here again…You know, behind on my deadline. But I am, so my posts for the next six weeks will be briefer and maybe a little different again.

But first the answer to last week’s Mystery Question:

I’m doing something different this week. Below are listed four crimes. Three of them actually happenedOne did not. Can you guess which one is the red herring? (or not true)

  1. A man kidnapped a motorist and forced him to drive to two different automated teller machines. The kidnapper then proceeded to withdraw money from his own bank accounts.
  2. A man walked into a bank and handed the teller a stick-up note demanding all her cash. Unfortunately for him, he’d written the note on the back of his business card with his contact information.
  3. A 19-year-old man robbed a Dairy Mart convenience store by threatening the clerk with an 8-inch butcher knife. Problem is, the clerk knew his identity since he was employed at the Subway right next door.
  4. A man robbed the same 7-Eleven store twice in one day. He told the clerk during the second robbery that he’d be back in a few hours to rob it a third time. Sure enough, he returned a few hours later and was arrested by detectives still in the store investigating the first and second robberies.

And the answer is #2. It was really hard to come up with a dumb crime to match these witless criminals! 🙂

Now for this week’s Mystery Question.

The following all have something in common. What is it?

Fairfax. Mutual. Broadway. Jackson.

Leave your answer in the comments and I’ll enter you in a drawing for an Adult Coloring book. Oh, and I’d like to know how many writers I have reading the blog…if you are a writer, would you be so kind as to tell me when you leave a comment.  I have a copy of the 2017 Writer’s Market and if I have several writers here, I’ll make it a prize next month. 🙂

As usual, I’d love it if you tweeted about today’s post.

[tweet_box design=”default” float=”none”]What does Fairfax have in common with Broadway? Win a coloring book #mysteryquestion[/tweet_box]

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Comments 17

  1. Beverly

    I just discovered your books, and I love them! You are truly a great author, and you don’t have to throw in bad language. How refreshing! I have read Promise to Protect and Shadows and have purchased the next two in the series. Can’t wait to read them! Thanks for writing books that are interesting and clean! I plan to tell my friends!

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  2. Sally Shupe

    I’m going to say insurance lol. Mutual insurance sounds like a thing. Or they are places in your books? I am an unpublished-as-of-yet writer of contemporary inspirational romance. Does that count? I’ve got two completed stories and a few others started. But the story I’m working on now is totally different. Still inspirational, but more SyFy-y, if that’s a word. And if not, I just made it up lol. Happy Tuesday!

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      Patricia Bradley

      Hi Sally, yes, two completed stories and a few others started definitely means you are a writer! And we’ll see next week if they are insurance companies. And SyFy-y is definitely a word since I knew what you were talking about. 🙂

      1. Sally Shupe

        Yay! I love the SyFy abnormal animal movies and have always wanted to write a story like those movies, so that’s what I’m working on lol. I have no idea how it’ll turn out though…

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  3. Jerusha Agen

    Hmm. Tough one this week! I’ll guess they’re all street names where crimes took place. And as I think you already know, I am indeed a writer! 🙂 Hope you get caught up on your deadline!

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  4. Paula

    This one is sooo hard! I thought maybe counties or cities but one is in Virginia and another Mississippi. So I don’t know. Mutual sounds like insurance and there is a Fairfax insurance but I can’t find a connection.
    Just finished Justice Delayed! Great read. So do Andi and Will get married? And what’s brewing with Maggie and David? Can’t wait for the next one!

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      Patricia Bradley

      Oh, Paula!!!! I’m so excited I’ve created a hard puzzle! he-he, she cackled, rubbing her hands together. And Maggie and David’s romance will pick up in the 4th Cold Case Novel. And probably Will and Andi’s. 🙂

  5. JPC Allen

    Since someone already guessed insurance I’ll guess “five”, as in the Jackson Five. Thanks for commenting on my blog post at ACFW. I appreciate the encouragement. I hope your writing goes well as your work to meet your deadline.

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