The Hemlock Aperture ~ Reader Friday

Patricia Bradley Reader Friday 63 Comments

The Hemlock Aperture by Steve Hooley is this week’s Reader Friday post. I’ve had requests from readers for a book for their middle-grade reader and didn’t know where to point them. But once I read one of Steve Hooley’s Bolt Series books, I was hooked. I had someone to recommend. A little background on Steve. He’s a retired doctor who wanted to write stories for his grandkids. I’d say he did a great job and I’m sure they enjoy them. You can find out more about him and his middle-grade books on his website.

Here’s the first line of his first book: “Nestled in the high hills of western Ohio near the headwaters of the magic Mad River, there lies an enchanted forest called Cedar Heights.”

But first the photo and verse. The photo was a sunrise that I took some time past, not sure when, but I really like the photo. It reminds me of  God’s glory and His power. I hope you enjoy it, too!

Now for The Hemlock Aperture by Steve Hooley.

The Hemlock Aperture by Dr. Steve HooleyA hero on crutches, flying barrel carts, Indian magic, and a glow-in-the-dark magic pond, Bolt and the Mad River Magic gang have it all, living in the enchanted forest with their grandparents and practicing light magic, until an evil force opens a portal into the Strata – where good and evil compete to influence behavior in the “real” world.

When the gang is sucked through an aperture into the Strata, they discover a kingdom cloaked in all shades of gray. Bolt and the gang must use their wits and magic to navigate the Strata to receive power from Omni (ruler of light) and conquer Extor (ruler of darkness), if they are to return to their family and the enchanted forest.

My take:

This is a fantastic book for kids (and adults–I thoroughly enjoyed it and have more of Steve Hooley’s books on my Kindle to read). It reminds me of C. S. Lewis’s Tales of Narnia and the Harry Potter series. Bolt was a great example of a boy who didn’t let his illness stop him from doing what the others were doing. Actually he didn’t let his illness stop him from doing anything, including saving the world from evil.

He and his gang have the best time in their adventures. They remind me of the fun I had with my cousins growing up, minus the flying barrels. Although we had them in our imagination. Steve Hooley has a powerful imagination and pens adventures that will draw the reader in from page one.  I can’t wait to get started on the next one in the series.

The Kindle version of Hemlock Aperture is free on Amazon for five days! Get it here.
So, what are you reading this week? Leave a comment, and I’ll enter you in a March drawing for a beautiful 1750 golden Maple Pen handcrafted by Dr. Steve Hooley, a $60 value. You can see more of his work on his website. I’ll be giving away one of his pens each month on my Reader Friday Blog.
Hemlock Aperture by Steve Hooley is this week's Reader Friday post. Check out this book for middle-graders. Leave a comment on my blog and I'll enter you in a drawing for $60-value pen! Share on X

I wasn’t going to add a song this week, but while I was reliving my youth through Steve’s book, a song popped in my head. I think Marty Robbins sang it best, although I like Johnny Cash’s version. Let me know if you remember it or have ever heard it.

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Comments 63

  1. Phyllis Scott

    I read Conrad by Susie May Warren. It was s fantastic read with suspense, romance and faith.
    I do remember Ghost Riders In The Sky

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  2. jenningsask

    I am reading Dinner with a Perfect Stanger by David Gregory. I will definitely purchase one of Steve Hooley’s book they sound interesting. I remember Ghost Riders in the Sky.

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    2. Dottie

      I love your picture, Patricia, with the beautiful sun rays, another great one!
      I remember my parents had several albums by Marty Robbins. He had a lot of great hits over the years.
      I’m currently in between books right now. My TBR list is getting long and so little time!

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        Patricia Bradley

        Oh, Dottie, I feel your pain–so many good books and so little time! Marty Robbins was about my all-time favorite singer. He had such a range and he wrote so many good songs.

  3. Tim Johnson

    Lovely photo, and great verse to go with it! I always liked Ghost Riders in the Sky. I just found out it is as old as I am. Yikes.

    Thank you for reviewing Steve’s book. The title is certainly intriguing. I love that good authors are writing for young readers. I cut my teeth on the Hardy Boys series, along with my friends in the neighborhood. I think those books started my love for reading fiction.

    I just finished Robin Patchen’s “Protecting You”. What a wild ride that was! I’m just about to start Nancy Mehl’s “Shattered Sanctuary”. I have it on good authority that a character in the book shares my name. ;-). The first line is: “He stood over the rough hewn wooden coffin, gazing at the face of his mother–the only person who had ever loved him.”

    Happy vernal equinox everyone!

    1. Steve Hooley

      Thanks, Tim
      I grew up reading the Hardy Boys series, too. The kindly elderly librarian in our little town always tried to direct me to “the classics,” but I read The Hardy Boys whenever I could.

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      Patricia Bradley

      And a Happy Spring to you as well, Tim! I really enjoyed Steve’s book…a good story! I’m sure I read the Hardy Boys, but you know what? I can’t remember. I read so much when I was a kid it all runs together…kinda like now. The Black Stallion was my favorite.

    3. Edward Arrington

      Tim, did I read that correctly: you cut your teeth on the Hardy Boys and your friends in the neighborhood? I hope you didn’t hurt any of them. LOL!

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      2. Tim Johnson

        OK, Edward. You made me go back and look at what I’d written. 🙂
        Yes, we did get into some fights for fun. You remember what it was like to “horse” around in middle school. There was probably some biting going on back then, but I’ll claim I’m too old now to remember.

  4. Priscilla Bettis

    I love the verse! Praise God! And I think Marty Robbins’ “Ghost Riders” is SO good.

    The Hemlock Aperture sounds so fun!

    I scored an ARC of a Christian YA speculative novel. It’s Warsafe by a college student named Lauren Smyth. I can’t believe how good it is for such a young author, but Smyth got her first publishing contract at age 13, and she already has several books under her belt. (And she’s at Hillsdale College, so you know she’s smart.) I’m 50 percent through Warsafe, and it’s SO good!

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      Patricia Bradley

      Ghost Riders in the Sky always send goosebumps over me, Priscilla. And The Hemlock Aperture is a fun book! I’ll have to look up Lauren Smyth and congrats to her on her amazing accomplishments!

  5. Steve Hooley

    Thanks, Patricia, for hosting me today. And thanks for your review of The Hemlock Aperture.
    For anyone interested, The Hemlock Aperture is free today and the next four days on Amazon.

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  6. Barbara Diggs

    Oh, I love that verse and the photo fits it perfectly!

    The Hemlock Aperture sounds like a great adventure. I’m already thinking of kids who would enjoy this. Good review, Pat.

    “A voice inside whispered for her to turn around and go back home,” is the first line of Deborah Sprinkle’s, The Case of the Stolen Memories.

    1. hooleysteve

      Thanks, Barbara. I hope the kids you’re thinking of enjoy the book. Sorry for repeating, but the kindle book is free on Amazon for five days.

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      Patricia Bradley

      I’m so glad you’re going to pass on the information about Steve’s books to kids, Barbara! I think they will really enjoy them…I know I did. And I loved Deborah Sprinkle’s The Case of the Stolen Memories.

  7. Paula Shreckhise

    The first paragraph of Shattered Sanctuary by Nancy Mehl:
    “Erin stood in the street outside a large dirty brick building that housed too many people in small rooms decorated with mold-infested etchings on crumbling pus-green walls. Human beings should not live like this. And tonight, some were not. Living, that is. “
    I have heard Ghost Riders In The Sky. And I am going to recommend Steve’s books to my grandchildren!

    1. hooleysteve

      Thanks, Paula. I hope your grandchildren like The Mad River Magic series. As noted above, the first book is free on amazon for five days. Also, a prequel novella, “Bolt’s Story” is free to those who sign up for my newsletter. The novella tells Bolt’s story of overcoming muscular dystrophy and “learning how to fly.”

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  8. markbuzard

    I am about to start Deception by Christy Barritt.
    I am intrigued by this new to me author, and am going to check his books out

    1. hooleysteve

      Thanks, Mark. I hope you enjoy The Mad River Magic series. As noted above, the first book is free on Amazon for five days. A prequel novella, Bolt’s Story, is free through BookFunnel for people who sign up for my newsletter.

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      Patricia Bradley

      While they are great middle-grade books, Mark, I really enjoyed them myself. Steve quckly drew me in with his great characters and their adventures–I think they let me relive my childhood fantasies!

  9. Mary G

    Another “wow” picture and wonderful verse! Pat, thank you for sharing!

    I have downloaded The Hemlock Aperture for the child in me. Lol

    I am reading Where I Found You by Betsy St. Amant. “Noah Hebert needed to get back home – he didn’t have time to watch paint dry.”

    Have a blessed weekend everyone!

    1. hooleysteve

      Thanks for stopping by, Mary.

      I hope you enjoy The Hemlock Aperture. We all need to reconnect with the child in us.

      Have a great weekend!

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  10. Joe Hartlaub

    Note to all…Steve’s Mad River series is terrific. I’ve been privileged to visit Steve’s home on a number of occasions — even sometimes when he has been there! —- and can’t see nearby Mad River Mountain without thinking of his tales.

    Some twenty years ago, when driving through New Mexico, I had what I hope was a hallucination involving ghost riders on horseback, riding back and forth without care across the highway. Cowboys and Indians. I did not not linger long enough to ascertain who was chasing whom.

    1. hooleysteve

      Thanks for stopping by, Joe

      And thanks for your comment on the Mad River Magic series.

      I’m glad those Cowboys and Indians didn’t chase you all the way across New Mexico.

      Have a great weekend!

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  11. Gloria Anderson

    I do like Ghost Riders in the Sky and other songs by Marty Robbins. Please keep the music videos coming, Pat.
    I have two grandsons (cousins) in fourth grade that I will keep the Mad River series in mind for.
    I am about to start a new book. “Finlay gripped the wheel of his Mini Cooper, the windshield wipers swishing back and forth in a fruitless battle against the steady rain.” Novel Threat by Traci Hunter Abramson

    1. hooleysteve

      Thanks, Gloria.

      I hope those two grandsons will have the opportunity to read The Hemlock Aperture.

      Thanks for stopping by. Have a great weekend!

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  12. Edward Arrington

    What a nice picture, Pat! Great job! That’s an excellent verse to match with it. I had an opportunity last week to take some pictures of an awesome nighttime thunderstorm taking place twenty or more miles from my home. It was so far away that I could only see the lightning, but could not hear the thunder. I keep procrastinating learning all the features of my Nikon digital camera; otherwise, I think I could have got some great shots. Bummer!

    I enjoyed the Marty Robbins song. He’s another one of my favorites from my younger years. After viewing that video, I clicked on the video of Roy Clark playing Ghost Riders in the Sky on a twelve-string guitar. Wow! Could he forevermore play a guitar! He was born about two hours from where I was born and grew up.

    I’ll have to look for Steve Hooley’s book. I must confess that I’ve never read Tales of Narnia, but I did read every Hardy Boys book I could get my hands on.

    I’m reading “I Think I Was Murdered” by Colleen Coble and Rick Acker. I believe others have shared the first line from it. In fact, you may have shared it first. Here’s the first line of the first chapter: The second worst day of Katrina Foster’s life began on a beautiful September morning with the highly anticipated first coffee from Palo Alto Coffee House.

    1. hooleysteve

      Thanks, Edward
      I hope you enjoy The Hemlock Aperture. And, as noted above, it’s free on Amazon for 5 days.

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      Patricia Bradley

      I’ve never gotten a photo of lightning, Edward and I’ve alawys wanted to. Roy Clark could really play the guitar and banjo. He was a favorite performer! I just finished I think I Was Murdered last night and it was so good. Colleen and Rick make good writing partners. I’ll be reviewing that book in the coming weeks.

  13. Carla Toppass

    I love reading in Psalms which is where I am currently in my Bible reading along with Revelation. Other than that, no other reading this week. Eye dr app and watching the 2 grandsons leaves little time for extra reading these days. But I sure wouldn’t trade those baby snuggles and grandson hugs for anything!

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      Patricia Bradley

      Baby snuggles and grandson hugs are the best, Carla! I miss my little ones living 16 hours away! And I’m reading through the Bible for the 20th time this year, but at a slower pace.

  14. conniepsaunders

    Scattered Sanctuary by Nancy Mehl has been my captivating read this week. It’s reminded me just how much I admire her writing!

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    1. hooleysteve

      Thanks for your comment and interest, Deborah. We need more books to encourage children to overcome their disabilities. Thanks!

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  15. Audrey Stewart

    I am a long time Patricia Bradley reader. ‘Memphis Cold Case’ and ‘Pearl River’ are my favorite book series. I love her books.

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  16. MsRedK

    Thank you for sharing. I grabbed a copy, I’ve been looking for something to entice my oldest granddaughter back to reading. This series could peak her interest. I want to read it too, maybe she’ll read it with me.

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