Stupid Things We Did is this week’s Mystery Question. When I came across the article about the stupid things we did as kids, I knew I had to make them my Mystery Question! I almost didn’t believe some of them were true, but I found out, unfortunately, they are…
But first the Scripture and photo. Psalm 91 is a wonderful, encouraging psalm, and when I came across the photo, verse 2 just seemed to fit. I’m always fascinated by contrails and when the cross like this, it looks so neat!
Now for the answers to Even More Deadly Inventions, Last week’s Mystery Question. As usual, three are true and one is made up. Can you guess which one?
- A professional stuntman developed a shock-absorbent barrel and decided to test it at the Houston Astrodome by having it drop from the roof. Unfortunately, he didn’t figure on his barrel hitting the rim of the water tank meant to cushion his fall.
- Piloting a homemade steam-powered rocket doesn’t even sound like a wise move, and it wasn’t for the inventor whose parachute failed to open during a crash landing.
- A Russian inventor experimented with blood transfusion, attempting to achieve eternal youth or at least partial rejuvenation. He died after he transfused the blood of a student suffering from malaria and tuberculosis.
- For the morning after…a sure cure for headaches featured sticking your hands into electrified water. The idea was that people would run a charge through water and then — after they stopped — the liquid would acquire all sorts of wondrous new qualities. Unfortunately, the inventor failed to stop the charge…
And the answer is…#4. Congrats to all who guessed the one I made up.
Now for this week’s Myster Question: Stupid Things We Did. I found three of the following on the internet that people admitted they did and made up one. Please note–I didn’t do any of these!
- When I was 11 someone dared me drive my parent’s car around the block. I could’ve done it except I didn’t know how to back up, and if it hadn’t been for the ditch I could’ve done it.
- Me and my cousin tried to run through a wooden fence to leave an outline like Bugs Bunny…It did not work.
- We used to play a game called “gauntlet” where we’d line up our bikes on each side of the street and throw sticks and rocks to get at anybody crazy enough to ride down the street to crash.
- At my uncle’s we used to swing from the hayloft over the tops of the cows in the barn and try to land on their backs.
Okay, Super Sleuths, which one did I make up? Leave your answer in the comments, and I’ll enter you in an April drawing for a book from my library.
Now for Stupid Things We Did is this week’s Mystery Question. As usual, three are true and one is made up. Can you guess which one? Leave your answer in the comments and I'll enter you in an April drawing for a book from my library. Share on X
Both Crosshairs and Obsession are finalists in the Blue Ridge Mountains Christian Writers Conference Selah Awards Contest!
Obsession: Natchez Trace Ranger and historian Emma Winters hoped never to see Sam Ryker again after she broke off her engagement to him. But when shots are fired at her at a historical landmark just off the Natchez Trace, she’s forced to work alongside Sam as the Natchez Trace law enforcement district ranger in the ensuing investigation. To complicate matters, Emma has acquired a delusional secret admirer who is determined to have her as his own. Sam is merely an obstruction, one which must be removed.
Sam knows that he has failed Emma in the past and he doesn’t intend to let her down again. Especially since her life is on the line. As the threads of the investigation cross and tangle with their own personal history, Sam and Emma have a chance to discover the truth, not only about the victim but about what went wrong in their relationship.
Crosshairs: Investigative Services Branch (ISB) ranger Ainsley Beaumont arrives in her hometown of Natchez, Mississippi, to investigate the murder of a three-month-pregnant teenager. While she wishes the visit was under better circumstances, she never imagined that she would become the killer’s next target–nor that she’d have to work alongside an old flame.
After he almost killed a child, former FBI sniper Lincoln Steele couldn’t bring himself to fire a gun, which had deadly and unforeseen consequences for his best friend. Crushed beneath a load of guilt, Linc is working at Melrose Estate as an interpretive ranger. But as danger closes in on Ainsley during her murder investigation, Linc will have to find the courage to protect her. The only question is, will it be too little, too late?
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Comments 60
People are crazy. I pity the poor cows, so #4.
Mary, you are so right! We’ll see next week if the cows suffered.
I can see all of them as possible. Lol. The things kids do…. Im going to say #2 is made up. They don’t make cartoons like they used to!
The book teasers! I’m so glad you included those. Somehow, I missed those! Thanks!
Totally agree they don’t make cartoons like they used to, Andrea! I’m tempted to use my own exploits as a kid for next week’s Mystery Question. lol We’ll see next week if it’s #2.
Oh, I laughed so hard. I think you made up number 2 because surely kids have climbed fences by that age and know how sturdy they are. But I bet you played “red rover” which is almost as painful.:-)
Priscilla, I laughed at these as well when I read them. We’ll see next week if it’s #2…
I hope you made up #3. In grade 3, I organized 3 other girls to get free rides on the backs of race horses pastured in the apple orchard next to our school. Two of us climbed trees and positioned ourselves on overhanging branches. Two others chased the horses under the branches. Two of us (amazingly) got rides. Four of us ran when the horse owner came running spewing language we’d never heard before.
I can see you doing that, Delores…I would have been one of the other three if I’d been there. I loved to ride and one time…oops…I think I’ll save that for next week.
Those are all pretty stupid, I have to agree! I think I’ll guess #3. (But…speaking of trying to land on a cow…I have a story from childhood days. Something a bit similar happened to one of my cousins. Only, it was on a hog farm, and she landed on a pig! It was unintentional, she actually fell while looking out from the hay mow, over the hog pen. Thankfully, she was uninjured, and I’m not sure which one was more frightened, J or the pig!!
It’s one of those stories that has been repeated many times over the years…)
Rosalyn, I love your cousin’s story! And I’m glad she wasn’t injured! We’ll see next week if it’s #3.
Pat, the photo and verse are perfection! Thank you for creating and sharing these each week. Also a HUGE Congratulations on your two Selah Finalist Awards!!! How wonderful!!
I hope you made up #2, but we’ll see…
Okay Delores, now I will have to live with the regret of not being one of your group of your buddies to climb those trees to catch rides on those race horses! 60 years ago I know I could have caught a ride!
Thank you, Debra! We’ll see if it’s #2 next week…and I would’ve been right with you and Delores!
That photo is so neat, Pat. I love to see contrails like that, too. They witness to our protecting air defenses. And that Scripture speaks to “air” defenses, too. Our God rules the air, land and sea to defend us from evil.
I recall a discovery a friend and I made of little wiggly things in some ditch water. We were in the 3rd grade, and we thought it would be neat to scoop some into a jar and take them home. No one knew what they were. Then one day my dad told me the little wigglers had turned into mosquitos, and were flying out. I dumped that jar out pretty quickly.
All of your stories are pretty believable for kids to try. Although it’s very likely to want to drive a car like the big people, there is something off here. If backing up was required before going around the block, how did the kid end up in the ditch? I suppose he could have backed into the ditch…Hmm. I still think you made up #1.
Thank you, Tim–I’m glad you enjoyed the photo and verse. I love your story about the mosquitos. What a lesson learned. I love your logic, as always…we’ll see next week if it’s #1.
I’m going with #3. A bad and dangerous thing to do! Throwing things off an overpass has had deadly consequences in the past as well.
Gail, I so agree that some of the things kids do have deadly consequences. I don’t think kids see the danger most of the time. Although we had kids several years back throwing lumber off overpasses and one person was critically injured. They should have known better.
I’m not good at guessing, but I’ll guess number 2.
Beverly, thanks so much for guessing anyway! We’ll see how it goes next week. Glad you stopped by and commented.
Congrats on being a finalist for two books, Pat! These are tough but I am guessing #1 this week.
Thank you, Gloria! We’ll see…glad you think they’re tough.
I love the verse. One of my favorites!
I can see all of these happening. I want to guess #2, because surely older kids would know how much that would hurt.
However, I’m going with #3, because I think the word, “gauntlet” would be used more by kids playing video games today than back then.
Love your logic, Barbara! And I’m glad you like the verse. We’ll see next week if it’s #3.
Oh this is a fun one this week!
I remember my mom telling me about what they dared my uncle to do when they were kids (there were 9 of them!). We grew up in Illinois, so you know the winters are cold & snowy, well one winter my mom & a couple of the older girls dared my uncle (who is much younger) to stick his tongue on the telephone pole to see if it would stick. He did and it did stick! My grandma had to get some warm water to run over the pole to help unstick it….oh my, the ones who dared him got into SO much trouble! I think they really thought it wouldn’t work. She can look back at it now and laugh, but I’m sure it wasn’t a laughing matter at the time. Especially for him & my aunts who got in trouble
Okay, so I can imagine all of these ones were tried by kids because kids dare other kids to do stupid stuff sometimes! LOL! Anyway, for my guess this week, I’m going with either #2 or #3, but leaning more towards 3. Kids just don’t think of the consequences do they?
I was just talking about Psalm 91 on another blog earlier today & how it brought me comfort in a time years ago that was scary & hard for me. Funny that you have it here! I think the promise that God will not only deliver you from all kinds of trouble, but that He will cover you “with His feathers” and “under His wings you shall take refuge” brings such comfort to me every time I read this. No matter what I’m going through, He’s always there!
I so agree with your take on Psalm 91. It’s long been a favorite of mine for the very reasons you state. And I can honestly say that I get it about your uncle and his sisters…someone once dared me to stick my tongue to our wire clothesline…and I did…and it hurt. Never did that one again. We’ll see if it’s #3 next week. And kids never think about the consequences.
We”ll see, Lynn.
I’m going to guess 3 simply because the other 3 have grammatical errors in them, lol
I like your logic…we’ll see if it will work on this one, Erin.
We did a lot of stupid things when I was a child, but these are pretty special. I think #3 is made up — and dangerous!
Love Psalm 91, and the picture is lovely.
Kay, I really did some stupid things that I think I’ll use next week. lol. We’ll see if it’s the popular #3…and thanks for the compliment on the photo.
Great picture! The Psalm is a good one to hold on to. These are all pretty crazy. I’m going to guess #1. Congratulations on the books being finalists. I really enjoyed the first two in the series. Reading Crosshairs now. It’s so good
Thank you, Erika! So glad you’re enjoying my books–hearing those words always warms an author’s heart! And we’ll see next week if it’s #1.
I enjoy seeing the contrails across the sky. When I am driving where I know the general direction of any commercial airports within a hundred miles or so, I try to guess which airport they are flying from or toward. The Scripture is a good one.
I choose #3. The others seem like something stupid that kids would do. #3 doesn’t just seem stupid, but I believe it is also criminal. I have heard of “gauntlet”, but I don’t think it involved streets and cars.
I do the same thing with the contrails, Edward! Planes flying overhead in my area are either going to Nashville, Atlanta or Memphis.
And it was bikes, not cars…at least I hope I didn’t say cars…I went and looked and I didn’t say either. lol. So I added bikes.
I’m guessing 3, but all are believable unfortunately.
I’m so glad you thought all were believable, Suzanne.
We’ll see next week if it’s #3.
#4 sounds really crazy! Have a great rest of the week. I enjoy all of these, thank you for sharing them.
Glad you enjoyed these, Alicia. And we’ll see if it’s 34 next week.
I’ll go with #3
Hi, Shelia. We’ll see next week!
#2 that would hurt.
Hi Lucy. Yes, I do think #2 would hurt…
I think you made up the Bugs Bunny one.
Hi Paula. Maybe…we’ll see next week. lol
I’m going with #2.
Number 2 is proving to be quite popular, Diana. We’ll see next week.
We’ll see BN!
Love the photo and verse! You do so well pairing a particular verse with your photos and your photos definitely bless me! Congratulations on being a finalist! I love the Natchez Trace Series. As a matter of fact I have enjoyed all your books and I think I have read most of them if not all of them. God bless
Thank you, Mary. I’m working on book fifteen…and I’m so glad you enjoy the photos and verses.
They all sound like something kids will try! I’m guessing #4, b/c I’ve not heard of trying to land on cow’s back before!
Hi MS Barb! I do like your logic. lol We’ll see next week if it’s #4.
I’ll say #2, though all seem plausible.
Good, Sally Jo! Good to ‘see’ you here. When’s your next book releasing?
Love the scripture and photo.
Thank you, Caryl. We’ll see next week if it’s #1.
I’m going to guess #4 is false.
We’ll see Megan.
These are hilarious, and very believable for kids to try! I have friends who tried in their 20’s to hang-glide off the top of the boys’ dorm… It didn’t work, and thankfully no one was hurt!
That being said, I’m going to guess #1. Thanks for reviving childhood memories and stories that may not have been shared with the kids yet.
L, reading those stories reminded me of some of the stupid things I did. And one day I’ll do a post on them. lol Thanks for stopping by. We’ll see next week if it’s #1.