Straight From the Police Blotter

Patricia Bradley Mystery Question 17 Comments



I am happy to report that Friday night at 10:30, I finished the rough draft of my 3rd cold case novel. Can you see me HaPPy DaNCing? 🙂 Now, I only have to add 13,000 words–a romantic and a spiritual thread. In two weeks. That’s why this post is brief.

Now on the last week’s Mystery Question:

Three of the following stupid crook stories are true and one is false. Which one is it?

  1. A man who tried to hold up a bank that was no longer in business and had no money.
  2. A robber ran into his mother while making his getaway. She turned him in.
  3. A robber had his gun pointed at the teller when he noticed a surveillance camera pointed at him. He froze then fired, destroying the camera, which was on a live feed with his image forever captured.
  4. A holdup man thought that if he smeared mercury ointment on his face, it would make him invisible to the cameras. Actually, it accentuated his features, giving authorities a much clearer picture.

And the answer is…#3! Congratulations Paula for guessing correctly! Everyone’s name will be entered in the drawing for the 2017 Christian Market Guide or Lynette Eason’s Moving Target.

This week’s Mystery Question is taken from Police Blotter Reports. See if you can tell which is the false report:
  1. A resident called police because their Facebook was hacked.
  2. A local car rental business called to report that a customer failed to return their rental four days ago. They think customer stole the vehicle.
  3. A man who recently purchased a church building called with questions regarding the caretakers. When he bought the building, he said it was OK for the caretakers to continue staying there, so long as they signed a lease. The couple declined to sign the lease, and as the relationship has degraded, the new owner has decided not to keep the caretakers. Upon informing the caretakers that they had to go, they replied that they “will go to heaven before they move out” of the church. The owner is not sure what to do now.
  4. A man called the police because a squirrel kept stealing his birdseed. He wanted the police to arrest it.

Okay, Mystery Sleuths, which is the fake report? Leave your answer in the comments section to be entered in the Monthly drawing.

[tweet_box design=”default” float=”none”]True or false? Caretakers threaten to go to heaven before they will move out! [/tweet_box] [tweet_box design=”default” float=”none”]True or False? A man wanted police to arrest squirrel stealing his birdseed?[/tweet_box]

Oh! I almost forgot to report that Justice Delayed is #7 on the April CBA Best Seller List in Mystery and Suspense! Thank you all for making this possible!

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Comments 17

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  1. Sally Shupe

    I’m going with #4, but I’m fairly sure somebody has probably done this lol. So, you write your stories and then go back and add romantic and spiritual threads? How do you do that? Congratulations on getting your rough draft done!

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      Patricia Bradley

      Hi Sally! We’ll see if it’s #4 next week. On my first draft I’m only trying to lay down the suspense thread–the crime and the danger. I don’t think about the romance or spiritual threads except for what naturally occurs. Then once I know the suspense thread works, I go back and start all over. Of course the boys in the basement (As Steven King calls them) have been working on the other two. I usually have more time to rewrite, but this year…IDK what happened. But here I am, and I will get it done. 🙂

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  2. Jerusha Agen

    Haha! I love #1 and #4! So funny. But I’m going to guess that #3 is the fake one. Congrats on finishing your rough draft, Pat! I know how good that feels! I recently finished the rough draft of my own latest novel and am now almost done with the edits! Such a great feeling. I’ll join you in your happy dance! 🙂

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  3. Trixi

    Any one of these sounds like it could be true! I find the squirrel incedent quite funny 🙂 So my guess for this week is #3….but, again I can see where this could be a true story. You have me stumped Patricia 🙂

    No need to enter my name for Lynnette’s novel as I already have it. I have missed these posts as I’ve been super, crazy busy moving into our newly purchased house (yay)!

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      Patricia Bradley

      Congratulations, Trixi, on your new house!!! That is such an exciting time. So glad to have you back. I’ll enter your name and if you win (or anyone else who has already read the book I’m giving away) you can pick another book in my vast library!

  4. Trixi

    Thanks Patricia! We are enjoying our new space and praising God for His goodness in opening the doors wide to own a house again after so many years! He’s so good & faithful. That’s so awesome that we can choose a different book from your library, thanks for the chance 😉

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