Crazy State Laws #52 ~ Mystery Question

Patricia Bradley Mystery Question 31 Comments

Crazy State Laws #52 is this week’s Mystery Question. But first, I forgot to let you know what my word count was for the week! Two weeks ago it was 36,000 and now it’s 50,000. And even better news is I have a three-week extension. I can make that, especially since I’ve sort of plotted out the rest of the book. 🙂

Now for the photo and verse. I took the photo from my driveway. I love those colors! And the verse just seemed to fit it.

Now for last week’s Mystery Question about crazy state laws. Three laws are on the books somewhere and I made up one of them. Your job is to figure out which one I made up…
  1. Here it’s illegal to modify the weather without a permit. (CO)
  2. Better bring your fishing rods here–it’s illegal to catch fish with your bare hands. (IN)
  3. It can cost you $100 here if you only sing part of the national anthem. (MA)
  4. In a city in this state, it is illegal to ride a camel down main street.

And the answer is…#4. Congrats to all who guessed correctly!

Now for this week’s Mystery Question about crazy state laws. Three laws are on the books somewhere and I made up one of them. Your job is to figure out which one I made up…
  1. It’s illegal to walk your cow down Main Street here.
  2. Don’t wear a bulletproof vest when you commit a crime here–you can be charged separately for it if caught.
  3. Here you have to have a permit to feed garbage to a pig.
  4. Heads up, Hannibal Lecter–cannibalism is strictly prohibited here.

Okay, Super Sleuths, which one did I make up? Leave your answers in the comments and I’ll enter you in a drawing for a book from my library.

Three laws are on the books somewhere and I made up one of them. Your job is to figure out which one I made up. Leave your comments on the blog and I'll enter you in a drawing for a book from my library! Share on X


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Comments 31

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  1. L. Murphy

    The photo reminds me of words to an old hymn, “When morning guilds the skies my heart awaking cries, May Jesus Christ be praised!”
    I am going to guess #2

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  2. Barbara Diggs

    Love the brilliance of the photo, Pat! Yes, the verse fits it. The heavens will also declare the glory of the Lord…the rocks will too!

    Congratulations on the three week extension! This is wonderful news!!!! Doing a happy dance for you over here!!

    Well now, you’ve certainly given us a challenge this week!! They all sound made up. I’m going with #4.
    James picks # 3

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    2. Barbara Diggs

      No, I didn’t get last weeks correct, but I did the two precious weeks in a row correct! Now I guess I’ll need to wait another year to get them right. LOL
      Dancing with you on the extension! Yay!

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  3. Tim Johnson

    That photo is so good, Pat. The verse you chose certainly matches it well.

    #1. I’m with Paula on this. What’s with parading animals on main street?
    #2. This makes some sense. It goes to premeditation, and will get you an additional charge.
    #3. Well, of course you need a permit to feed your pig garbage. Got to make sure it’s certified pig-edible. The pig lobby is more powerful than you think. Ask any Congress critter.
    #4. I would hope this is the law everywhere.

    OK. #1 is just crazy enough that I think you made it up. That’s reverse logic since it’s usually the craziest ones that are real laws.

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  4. gda523

    Just a wild guess, going with #2. I don’t think that you would make up two animal laws in a row. Would you? Lovely sunset and verse.

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  5. Edward Arrington

    I love that picture. The verse with the picture really resonates with me. Yesterday around sunset, my wife and I were driving home from a city about 40 minutes east of our home. It was a pretty sunset, although nothing nearly as pretty as your picture. I thought to myself: I love this time of day, but it just doesn’t last long enough.

    I was ready to choose number four as made up because it should be prohibited in every state of the union. Then I realized my thinking was mixed up. If it should be a law in every state, I hope you didn’t make it up.

    Two and three almost make some sense. I think Tim nailed it when he suggested that wearing a bulletproof vest to commit a crime could show premeditation. A license to feed garbage could simply be a scheme to bring in revenue. After all, every restaurant I eat at charges sales tax and possibly a meals tax. Sometimes, I leave feeling like I was served garbage. If they can tax me for eating garbage, then why not a fee to feed garbage to pigs? That only leaves #1. So, I’m going with that one by process of elimination.

  6. Gail Hollingsworth

    I love sunset pictures (I don’t get up early enough for sunrise). It amazes me of God’s creative “paint brush”.
    I’m going to continue my losing streak and guess #2.

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