This week I’ll be near Jackson, Mississippi, for an author get-together at the Mendenhall Library and then on to Natchez for research on the new series that will be set there. It’s going to be a busy week! Now onto last week’s Mystery Question. It’s 1985 and a man and his wife took up farming. An arrogant attitude and two …
Murder or Justifiable Homicide?
Last week this time I was on a plane to Florida to see my great grand Aliyah! The drawing is one that a friend did for me. I thought the cowgirl outfit was perfect since I’m sure she’ll be riding horses before she can walk. 🙂 When I left Memphis it was in the 40s and when I got off the …
From the Police Blotter
[tweet_dis_img inject=”How hard is it to write a blog with a cat in your lap?”][/tweet_dis_img] What we won’t do for our pets. I’m trying to write this blog, but Suzy wants to take a nap in my lap, so I’m sitting here all twisted sideways so I won’t disturb her. 🙂 Now back to the blog… I’m taking a break …
Mystery Question
This past weekend my Byhalia Christian Writers group put on a writing conference just outside of Memphis and we had 130 attendees! That is amazing for our little group of about fifteen writers. Brandilyn Collins was our keynote speaker, and she was FANTASTIC! And on Friday Hallee Bridgeman gave a workshop on Indie Publishing that was so informative. So writers, …
Was It Murder or Suicide?
One of the neat things I get to do as an author is to appear on TV occasionally. And yesterday was one of those days. I was on Alive@Nine on WREG in Memphis with Johnnie Alexander, my critique partner and author of The Misty Willow Series and Where Treasures Hide. We were promoting the Mid-South Christian Writer’s Conference. It’s a …
The Profiler
Oh, my what a weekend! I was part of the Spring Scavenger Hunt and my head is spinning. It was so much fun, but I was kept hopping. 🙂 I hope you all had a chance to read the blogs at the 30 stations. Lots of information about your favorite authors. Oh! And I mailed the manuscript to my editor …
A Crazy Court Case
This week my deadline is coming at warp speed. If I keep myself behind the computer, I just might make it! So my post will be short and only include the Mystery answer for last week and this week’s question. 🙂 Here’s last week’s Mystery: It’s 1920 in Camden, New Jersey. Each week a sixty-year-old runner for the Broadway Trust Bank in …
Cornfield Sherlock Holmes
We had a little mystery in my neck of the woods this morning as I write this blog. There’s this big yellow ball in the sky. Not sure what it is…someone said it could be the sun, but I’m not sure–it’s been so long since I’ve seen it, I can’t remember what it looks like. 😉 During this rainy season, …
Cigarette Butts and Blood Type
Sunday afternoon I finished the first draft of Justice Delivered. Now, I have 17 days (counting March 1 when the manuscript is due) to edit. Whew. All the time I’m writing a first draft, I keep telling myself: “You can’t edit what you haven’t written.” These next few days will tell if rewriting is easier than writing. 🙂 Now for last week’s …
Luck or Justice? Mystery Question
According to Punxsutawney Phil, we’re in for 6 more weeks of winter. And my question is…just how hard would it have been for someone to hold an umbrella over Phil so he didn’t see his shadow??? And now onto more pressing business…I am at 76,000 words, closing in on the first draft! Yayay!! Now for last week’s Mystery Question: Which blotter …