Are Crooks This Dumb?

Patricia Bradley Mystery Question, Uncategorized 20 Comments

I don’t know how it is in your neighborhood, but it’s beautiful right now in North Mississippi! I love Autumn–there is a golden haze to the days. The trees are turning and it’s cool in the morning and rather warm in the afternoons. Perfect for driving to the lake!sunset-over-water-copy-2

But, now on to last week’s Mystery Question!

A bank robber’s carefully executed plan was foiled when he did what?

  1. He tripped over the threshold as he ran out the door, sprawling on the sidewalk with his loot in his hands just as a beat cop walked past.
  2. He stole the teller’s car, which she described in detail to the police, resulting in a quick capture.
  3. Outside the bank, he removed the money packets from his bag and stuck them inside his coat just as the dye packet exploded, coloring his hands and face. An off-duty policeman realized what had happened and arrested him on the spot.
  4. He told the teller to give him all her hundreds. When she said she only had one, he grabbed it and ran, leaving behind a drawer full of cash.

Once again I didn’t skunk everyone–Lisa guessed the correct answer at #2. Did the robber not realize the teller would give the police a description of the getaway car??

While looking for a dumb criminal case, I came across this and couldn’t help but add it to today’s blog. It’s not a dumb criminal act, but dumb nevertheless.

(Location Unknown): A gentleman awoke one cold morning and found that his car would not start; the problem was a frozen fuel line. No problem for Mr. Brilliant — one need only warm up the gas, right? So he siphoned off the fuel, put it into a pot, took it into the kitchen and heated it up on the stove….

Onto this week’s Mystery Question:

A man convicted of robbery worked out a deal to pay $9600 in damages rather than serve a prison sentence. Why did he end up getting an addition 10 years?

  1. He got caught robbing a Credit Union for the $9600.
  2. For payment, he provided the court a check — a *forged* check.
  3. He paid the fine with cash that tested positive for cocaine, prompting the police to get a search warrant that turned up 5 kilos of the white stuff.
  4. He paid the fine with counterfeit money.
[tweet_box design=”default” float=”none”]Did the criminal pay his fine with counterfeit money? Check the #mysteryquestion at my blog![/tweet_box]

Okay, Super Sleuths, which crime netted him the 10 years? And starting this month, whoever gets the correct answer will be entered into a drawing at the end of the month for a $10 Amazon gift card!

And don’t forget–DELAYED JUSTICE releases in 90 days! pre-order-justice-delayed-1

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Comments 20

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  1. Jerusha Agen

    Congrats on your upcoming release, Patricia! I’d like to say #1, but I’m guessing he’d get more than 10 years for robbery. So I’ll go with #4 instead (and probably regret it). 🙂

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  2. Trixi

    Ok, I will guess #2 or #4….fake money gets them every time…lol! Can’t wait to see if I’m right this week, thanks for the fun Patricia!

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