Celebrate the Reason for the Season

Patricia Bradley Mystery Question 24 Comments

This time of the year can be really hard, and for some of us, Christmas is what we get through. That’s where I was last week. Counting the days until it was over. There was no magic, no little kids around for me to watch as they enjoy the season.

Then I went to our Singing Christmas Tree, and the music filled my soul with joy. I was reminded why we celebrate Christmas–Jesus. 9F5545FB-F52F-4BFA-B383-55ED139DE385

So where are you in the scheme of things? Have you finished your Christmas shopping?  Are you all frazzled because you haven’t? Or perhaps Christmas is a sad time for you. I think all of us have family members we miss, so Christmas isn’t like it used to be. You know, when we were kids.

But if we focus on why we celebrate, if we tune into God and thank Him for his gift, our Savior, I believe it will change your heart. It did mine.

This week I’m giving away two gently read Love Inspired Suspense releases!

Person of Interest


While babysitting a young servicewoman’s infant, Natalie Frazier hears a murder in the neighboring army duplex. Convinced her former commander is behind the crime, the ex-soldier bolts with the baby. But who will believe her story? Army investigator Everett Kohl deals only with the facts, but this time his gut instincts can’t be denied. Is the attractive Natalie a cunning killer, as his ranking officers believe, or an innocent victim? Ordered to bring her in, Everett has a decision to make. Helping her could cost him his job…but not protecting Natalie and the baby could get all of them killed…

I loved this book! Debby is a writer-friend I’ve known for ten years and she writes the most a-maz-ing military investigations.

And the other book is by another friend, Jessica R. Patch. I’ve known her for at least five years and have often called her Robin. Don’t ask me why. 🙂

Fatal Reunion



When her beloved grandmother is almost killed during a home invasion, Piper Kennedy isn’t surprised that she’s a suspect—especially since Luke Ransom is on the case. The handsome detective she once loved thinks she knows more than she’s telling about the attack. And given her crooked past and the heartbreaking way she’d been forced to betray Luke years ago, Piper understands why he doesn’t trust her. But when attempts are made on her life, Luke insists on keeping her safe and finding out who wants her dead. And Piper and Luke soon realize a remorseless criminal will do anything to keep them from the truth…or an unexpected second shot at a future

Just leave a comment and you’ll be entered for one of the books–that’s right–two winners! (Drawing limited to Continental USA)

Now for the winner of Fatal Encounter and the answer to last week’s Mystery Question: The winner is Paula!

One night a man heard noises in the attic of his business. His wife told him it was a ghost. How did they determine it wasn’t?

  1.  The husband bravely climbed up into the attic and discovered a raccoon family nesting there.
  2. When the couple asked adjoining businesses, they were told it was bats returning for the winter. Turns out the nocturnal animals had chosen this business to roost in for the past ten years.
  3. A voice called out, “I’m in the chimney.” It turned out to an acquaintance who said he was playing hide-n-seek which the police doubted.
  4. The noise was a teenager who had climbed down the chimney on a dare. Unfortunately, he became stuck and couldn’t go up or down.

And the answer is…#3. The police figured the man had climbed into the chimney to rob the business.

And the winner of last week’s book, Deadly Encounter is

Now for this week’s Mystery Question:

A teenager wanted to rob a muffler shop in Chicago. He entered the store armed with a gun and demanded money. He was captured because:

  1. The money was in a safe only the manager could open, but the manager wasn’t in. So the thief left his cell phone number and told the employees to call him when the manager returned.
  2. He disposed of his ski mask outside the shop where police found a hair from his beard, providing his DNA. Unfortunately for him, his DNA was on record from a previous assault case.
  3. One of his former high school classmates entered the store and recognized him as he ran out with the money.
  4. An off-duty police officer was working the counter, and he overpowered the thief.

Okay, Super Sleuths, which is it? And if you have time would you please tweet?


[tweet_box design=”default” float=”none”]

Was DNA the downfall of the dumb thief robbing a muffler shop? #MysteryQuestion


[/tweet_box] [tweet_box design=”default” float=”none”]Did the dumb thief leave his phone# at the scene of the crime? #MysteryQuestion[/tweet_box]

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  1. Trixi

    Hard choice this week! I want to say either #1 or #2, but I’ll go with #2…that’s what I would call a dumb criminal!

    Also, I have both books so no need to toss my name in the drawing 🙂

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