Do You Journal?

Patricia Bradley Faith 24 Comments

IMG_1257I have journaled off and on over the years, but never regularly until my friend Ros Hutchins gave me a copy of the Jesus Calling Journal by Sarah Young in 2009. Since then I’ve journaled a line or two every day about whatever is going on in my life that day.

Now, during my quiet time, I can look back over the years and see how God has answered prayers, sometimes not as I expected and other times He has blown me away. And it is so neat to have a record of my writing journey!

I’d like to recommend for you to start a journal. It doesn’t have to be more than a line or two a day, and if you do, you’ll have a record of your own journey!

To start one person off, if I get 8 entries, I’ll give away a copy of Jesus Calling, A 365-Day Journaling Devotional by Sarah Young. (US Postal addresses only for the Print copy; digital for all others) Just leave a comment telling me whether you journal or not.

Comments 24

  1. Jan Ballard

    Years ago I was listening to a radio Bible class with David and Karen Mains and one of the assignments was to journal. It just so happened that my father was dying of cancer at the time and now I can look back and see my thoughts and feelings and prayers during those days. I journaled for years after that, but have gotten away from it the last couple of years. I always did it as a personal letter to God every morning.

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  2. Sandra Orchard

    I’ve journaled on and off for years, more off than on in the past few. But I love going back to the ones I wrote in the years I was an aspiring author, being reminded of my passion for the dream.

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  3. Edward Arrington

    I did for over ten years back but things got very hectic with out-of-town jobs, etc. I got away from it and tried to restart several times but didn’t keep it going.

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  4. Brenda Rumsey

    I’ve journaled for several years by writing a few lines in my calendar/planner when I can. The monthly calendar shows the events while the daily pages are filled with notes of important things I am thinking about or people I am praying for. Sometimes just listing what I’m thankful for or a Bible verse that touched me that day. …and I keep them in a drawer. I’ve not done that this year, but need to start again. It’s a great idea!

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  5. Donna Haynes Robertson

    I have journaled at different times in my life and most recently, I have journaled my prayers and my goals. Nothing helps me to see things more clearly than writing it down. Sometimes I journal in an online journaling app and sometimes I use pen and paper. As an aspiring writer, I find that journaling first thing in the morning helps me to get other writing done that day.

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      Patricia Bradley

      Absolutely, Donna–writing it down helps to clarify our thoughts. James Scott Bell advises that a writer journal first thing each morning befor anything…except coffee. 🙂

  6. April Carpenter

    Hi Friend, I journal! Through my love of another great book. The Artist Way, taught me about morning pages. My pages are prayers, to do list, etc.

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      Patricia Bradley

      Why does that not surprise me, April! I love looking at my journal each morning and seeing what I wrote back in 2009 or 2010 and how far I’ve come in my writing journey. Thanks for stopping by!

  7. Wendy L Macdonald

    Thank you, dear Pat, for inviting us to comment about whether we journal or not. I’ve been keeping journals since 1983. It’s where I realized I wanted to be a writer and how I began to find my writing voice. The most exciting things about a written record of my journey is the answered prayers.
    Blessings ~ Wendy

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  8. Ruth Dell

    I journal off and on. Sometimes I type at length on my laptop and at others I write in a soft covered journal. The handwriting feels more intimate but has the disadvantage of being difficult to read. I also keep an intermittent handwritten gratitude journal. It’s great to look back at what God has done in my life.

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  9. M. Weidenbenner

    I haven’t been doing this often enough. I think it’s a great tool to measure our progress, too, so we can look back and see our growth. We often don’t feel like we’re making a dent in our lives, but when we can reflect back and see progress, we’re validated. (Thanks for taking our dear friend, Reba, to the doctor’s office!)

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  10. Ruth Kyser

    I do journal, and have for years. So did my mother, and those precious books tell the stories of our childhoods.

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      Patricia Bradley

      Journals are wonderful things to have, Ruth. I have some from fifteen years ago that I get out and read and am so surprised by some of the things I wrote. 🙂 Thanks for stopping by!

  11. dtopliff

    I don’t journal regularly enough, but when an idea springs to life, find a perfect quote or poem, etc., I do keep it in an ongoing computer file that goes back for years now and that I do gratefully draw from occasionally. I’m glad to have it as a memory book too of important ways and times the Lord has met and encouraged me. I do highly recommend that others journal, I just don’t always manage the time myself.

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